Adopting a dog at Christmas


In these dates so close to Christmas, many people consider it a good gift option to buy or adopt a dog. Experts recommend taking into account several important points before taking the plunge.

The purchase and adoption of animals is a decision that requires a commitment, and what might seem like an act of solidarity, can sometimes become a nightmare, and who bears the brunt is the animal adopted, point out the animal protection associations.

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Questions that experts advise to ask yourself before giving or adopting a dog:

Do you give the dog to satisfy the illusion of a child?

Children are excited to share their lives with a dog or enlarge the family, a tender feeling that many of us have had, committing to walk it daily and take care of it. Keep in mind that although their intention is good, children are not mature enough to make this decision and take responsibility. The decision to have a dog or any other animal must be in common agreement with all members of the family, for the happy coexistence with the animal.

What kind of dog do I adopt?

Christmas should not be the excuse to adopt a dog of a certain breed, of which we do not know its characteristics and its needs can not be adequately covered. According to José Luis Torres, veterinarian of the Society for the Protection of Animals and Plants of Madrid, “this approach is usually one of the most common mistakes among dog adopters”.

Another frequent mistake is to adopt a dog when you do not have enough free time to take care of it. A dog is a living being with needs and one of them is to exercise. We must be aware of this before planning to enlarge the family.

Is the dog a surprise gift?

It is not advisable to give a dog to someone who has not even planned to have it or who although he has ever thought about it, is not ready yet. Having a pet requires prior planning. Analyze if time, space and if it will continue to be so in the future and it is also necessary to consult it previously with all the members of the household, as we already mentioned. “These surprise gifts end in abandonment,” says Torres.

Another point to keep in mind when adopting a dog at Christmas is to let go and relax too much for the fact of being on vacation. Torres warns that “it is a mistake that the dog adopted on vacation spends all the time accompanied, because when the routine is resumed, he will not be accustomed to loneliness and could develop behavioral problems.


Christmas can also be a good time to plan the future life with our new friend, taking into account the real schedules of the family members and thus be able to cover their needs. And as a member of the family that he is we can take care of him as such, with affection and respect. They will thank you all your life.




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