How to Treat Bone Fractures in Dogs

7 years ago

Cuando hablamos de fracturas sabemos que hacen referencia a un hueso roto. Sin embargo, no todas las fracturas de hueso…

Paddle Surf with dogs

7 years ago

Nowadays, most sea lovers have dogs and many times we do not know what to do with them during our…

Main symptoms of herniated disc in dogs

7 years ago

Dogs can suffer, in many cases, from bone and joint diseases that humans also suffer. For example, herniated disc .…

Arthritis in dogs: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

7 years ago

As they get older, dogs also have their ailments. Among them, arthritis, a disease suffered by about one in five…

Everything you need to know about rehabilitation for dogs

7 years ago

If your pet has an injury and you want to speed up his recovery, you may be interested in rehabilitation…

The therapeutic properties of dog harness

7 years ago

Have you ever seen someone walking a dog carrying it in a therapeutic harness? Today we will explain the properties…

Most common canine injuries

7 years ago

Dogs, due to their physical and movement particularities, are more likely to develop certain injuries throughout their lives. Read on…

Herniated disc in dogs: tips to help your pet

7 years ago

Herniated disc in dogs is a painful disease. Many owners want to help their pets, but they don't know how.…

3 benefits of a wheelchair for dogs

7 years ago

If your dog has mobility problems or injuries, have you considered acquiring a wheelchair for dogs? Below we tell you…

Symptoms to detect osteoarthritis in dogs that you should know

7 years ago

Just as it happens to humans when they get older, osteoarthritis can also occur in dogs. With age, your joints…