The Civil Guard detains two brothers from León accused of hanging several dogs

9 years ago

Troops of the Seprona Patrol of the Civil Guard have arrested two brothers of 23 and 29 years old, both…

Reflections on the evolution of the dog

9 years ago

I write these lines after a long conversation with Dr. Alberto Palleroni, an expert in psychology and animal neurology at…

Wheelchair for fish?

9 years ago

Yes, there are wheelchairs for fish, although in reality they lack wheels. There are made by hand by the fish…

Hope: A Story of a Paralyzed Dog with a Happy Ending

9 years ago

Marta Sitjà, the caregiver of a paralyzed dog named Hope, came to us in June 2013 in search of a…

Animal Police Service in the Netherlands

9 years ago

The Netherlands is a country very aware of animal abuse. They have specialized police to prevent mistreatment and neglect against…

Dog helps its owner in a wheelchair

9 years ago

This story focuses on China. Mr. Fu, a humble 68-year-old shoemaker, contracted polio as a child. This causes him to…

Heat stroke is a veterinary emergency

9 years ago

These sad images correspond to Fiji, a 14-month-old puppy. His owners left him in the car while they went to…

Barcelona will create more play areas for dogs

9 years ago

In Barcelona, since October 2014 it is already possible to access the metro with a dog, as long as they…

Now Madrid will eliminate subsidies to bullfighting shows and bullfighting schools.

9 years ago

The candidacy headed by Manuela Carmena signed a commitment with groups that defend the rights of animals. Now Madrid, the…

France grants companion animals rights as living beings

9 years ago

  Thanks to an amendment approved on January 28 by the National Assembly of France, companion animals will be considered…