Entries by Ortocanis

What I need to know to travel with my dog or cat

To travel with animals, the fundamental thing is to plan everything in advance. For international trips outside the European Union, find out at your veterinary clinic at least 3 months before. What do I need to know to travel with my dog or cat. Here’s a quick guide to the most common requirements depending on […]


Gustavo the paralyzed cat

Meet Gustavo the paralyzed cat. It is a docile, affectionate cat… and fighter. Arrived at the Protectora Scooby of Medina del Campo (Valladolid) with an alteration in the back legs that prevented him from flexing them normally, probably due to an injury to the middle part of the spine. He had been picked up by […]


When to use dog boots?

Dog boots are a great help both to prevent injuries and to help their healing. Boots as prevention… in summer and winter Spikes: in spring and summer. They are usually stuck between the fingers. Once they are nailed, due to their characteristic shape, they advance inland and can travel great distances and cause serious infections. […]


Glory, a dog with only one leg

Do you remember Glory, a dog with only one leg? We already published a post about Glory the dog with just one paw in case you want to know the beginning of the story. Glory got her three prostheses thanks to anonymous donations. But its use always requires a period of adaptation and for Glory […]

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What is the best bed for your dog?

Like humans, dogs need a comfortable place to rest and relax. Choosing the most suitable type of bed for your dog can be a heavy job due to the variety of models, but if in addition to a comfortable bed you want to consider the right one for his personality and health, either by age […]

Jumbo, a blind dog with history.

Jumbo and his brother are two dogs that have not had it easy from the beginning. Both were born blind and abandoned. They were initially welcomed by a couple, both of them, but once the couple separated the boy stayed with the dogs and soon they were back on the street. Being blind they knew […]