Buika, a paralytic dog


Buika is a beautiful dog of about thirty-seven kilos and eleven years of age.

A year ago he began to have some symptoms of dysfunction in his hind legs. After 5 months he began to lose practically all the mobility of the hindquarters. They visited numerous veterinarians for 6 months, and the conclusion is that a strong contusion in the hip area when she was small, could have injured her marrow and that she had now become inflamed blocking the nerve activity of the back legs and ephincters.

His caregiver tried anti-inflammatories but the result was not very noticeable and he also did not want to abuse their use since he was afraid of damaging other organs, an effect quite common in nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. He also knew of two cases of friends in which the use of anti-inflammatories had had devastating effects on their dogs and did not want to take risks.


He has also tried natural therapies, thermotherapy in addition to practicing massages and stretches to avoid entanglement in the affected limbs. He only had to hold it with a towel the abdominal part, a very widespread practice, although he knew that it must be something temporary since with it he oppresses the entire digestive system and worsened the situation.

toalla para ayudar a perro inválidoFinally, after weeks without finding a solution, and carrying on their backs the almost forty kilos of weight so that Buika could go out and walk a little with her front legs, they decided to look on the internet for some help. And they found the wheelchair self-adjusting. With her, Buika has regained mobility and can go back to walking wherever she wants and as long as she wants.

Perra paralítica

Text and photos: Toni Fernández OrtocanisAyudas para perros con artrosis

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