The skin serves as protection against external aggressions, both to humans and to other animals. When it comes to a dog whose mobility is reduced, it tends to suffer more due to continuous rubbing in certain areas of its body. To prevent it from being damaged, we are going to learn how we can take care of the skin of a disabled dog.

Cómo cuidar la piel de un perro discapacitado

Why does the skin get irritated?

Whether we are talking about dogs with disabilities or one that is not, the skin not only serves to protect their internal structure, but it is also the means they have to relate to what surrounds them.

When we spend a lot of time in the same position or there is something that regularly rubs against a specific area of the skin, ulcers and irritation can appear. If we do not take care of the skin, these wounds can worsen, to the point of exposing the bone and becoming infected.

To prevent this from happening, we must learn to care for the skin of a disabled dog. It is simply a matter of increasing precautions and paying attention to this delicate part of the body. Although it is resistant, it also needs protection.

How can we take care of the skin of a disabled dog?

The first thing we must do to care for the skin of a disabled dog is to protect it. This point consists of looking for those elements that do not cause injuries to your body. Specifically, in those parts that are more susceptible to wounds or ulcerations, such as the hips, elbows or ankles.

The harness that we use must have protections inside, so that the part that is in contact with the skin is padded and soft. In our gallery you can see what these types of harness are like. In the event that there is already a wound, we must protect it well to prevent any part of them from rubbing it.

Carrying open wounds is also a risk for other reasons. Flies or other insects can deposit larvae, causing the wound to become infected. Depending on the dog’s disability, you will have more trouble driving them away. If we use diapers, we must remove them when going outside, so the wounds can breathe.

Secondly, to take care of the skin of a disabled dog, we must regularly modify its posture. The parts that stand out the most, and that we mentioned earlier, are more susceptible to injuries, so we must check them frequently. In addition to using creams that help heal, we can move the animal’s limbs as part of physiotherapy at home.

Finally, to take care of the skin of a disabled dog, we must be careful with drag. The legs without mobility will always be supported against the ground, and when moving, it can cause injuries. In addition to wearing protective coats, we can purchase wheelchairs to help you get around.

Taking care of the skin of a disabled dog does not have to be a complicated task. In the same way that we hydrate our skin and avoid damaging it, we will have to do it with our little friend. And if you have doubts, you can contact us and we will help you in any way we can.

There are several factors why a dog may have trouble walking. When evaluating a pathology, we must take into account, among other things, the age of the animal, since on some occasions, such as in elderly dogs, the main reason may be age itself. But what other causes can there be?

Causes of walking problems

Depending on the rhythm of life that our dog leads, it is possible that he will experience localized pain for a few days. Just as it happens to us, excessive exercise can cause tiredness and weakness. This will cause us to have trouble walking.

However, when the pain lasts for more than a couple of days, we should go to the vet. There they will make an assessment and proceed with the diagnosis. Some of the most common causes of walking problems are the following.

Razones por las que un perro tiene problemas para caminar


In addition to an unseen fracture or torn tendon, walking problems can also be caused by a back or spinal cord injury. This usually appears due to trauma, a stroke or damage to the discs.

When a dog’s spinal cord or spine is inflamed or injured, the hind legs may show signs of weakness or instability. This will inevitably cause problems walking. If our dog has not suffered an accident but is in this situation, we must go to the vet as soon as possible.

degenerative myelopathy

This disease is another reason why a dog may have trouble walking. Especially in adult dogs , the fibers that send signals to the brain for leg movement are gradually being destroyed. The cause is the deterioration of the spinal cord itself.

Dogs with myelopathy do not experience pain, but the disease directly affects mobility. The legs lose strength and the animal is not able to walk normally or stand for long. Currently there is no cure for this disease, but physiotherapy and holistic medicine can relieve symptoms.


Females are more prone to diabetes, which can also cause walking problems. Although some breeds such as Goldens, German Shepherds or Schnauzers are more prone, it can affect anyone.

To avoid diabetes, it is advisable not to give dogs foods rich in sugar. Since they are capable of eating anything, it is very common for many owners to share their food. But we must not forget that some apparently harmless foods that they also like are toxic to them. To determine if diabetes is the cause of walking problems, an analysis is enough.


Arthritis and osteoarthritis are other reasons why dogs can have trouble walking. Adult dogs and large breeds are usually the ones who suffer the most from this disease. It usually affects the hip and knee joints, deteriorating cushioning and causing pain.

Some medications in addition to physical therapy can relieve symptoms. Thus, our friend will be able to maintain an optimal quality of life and reduce his problems walking.

The causes of walking problems are wide and varied. In any case, if we observe that our dog spends more than two days without being able to move normally, it is best to go to the vet. The sooner we detect the problem, the sooner we can fix it.

Ortocanis: Ayudas para perros con movilidad reducida

Old age, if we are lucky, is something that affects us all equally, whether we are humans, dogs, cats or any other species. Although each one can have its particular pathologies, the truth is that the diseases of adult dogs are often similar to ours. We leave you what they are and their symptoms so you can detect if they are affecting your friend.

What are the diseases of adult dogs

A dog is considered an adult when it reaches 8 years of age. When it comes to large breeds, it can be even sooner. At this stage, imbalances in health and some pathologies typical of this age begin to appear. Although not all dogs will suffer from them, we are going to find out what are the most common diseases of adult dogs and the symptoms they present.

Although some may have treatments or solutions to help them improve, others are a natural part of the process of any living being and the only thing we can do is support them and continue to love them so that they feel supported.

Las enfermedades de los perros adultos y su sintomatología


Osteoarthritis is probably one of the most frequent diseases of adult dogs. It is familiar to us since it also affects humans, and the symptoms are very similar. Bone and joint pain and difficulty in performing certain movements are the symptoms that appear when this pathology progresses.

That is why adult dogs become progressively more inactive and can change their cheerful and playful character. The symptoms are, therefore, an increase in passivity, complaints when making some movements, loss of interest in walking and playing, and even loss of appetite. However, there are many solutions such as slings or knee protectors that can help relieve pressure and reduce pain.


Obesity is another of the diseases of adult dogs that occurs more frequently. In addition, it is often linked to osteoarthritis. Excess weight increases the pressure on the joints and the effort they must make.

To prevent this from happening, you have to pay attention to your diet. Excess treats should be eliminated and opt for a senior feed. Nutritional needs vary as well as the total number of calories. Obesity can cause other diseases in adult dogs, such as heart and kidney diseases.

deafness and blindness

Both are also diseases of adult dogs, just as they happen to people. As long as they maintain their sense of smell, dogs can handle themselves quite well. On the other hand, in the case of blindness, if it is about cataracts, they can be operated on. When it comes to degenerative processes there is little we can do. Since it is possible that they move at a slower speed, we should always offer them a good coat to walk.

Kidney diseases

Although there are more, the last of the most frequent diseases of adult dogs are kidney diseases. Nausea or loss of appetite are the main symptoms of this pathology. Although there is no cure, some medications can reduce the discomfort caused. Just like with arthritis.

Diseases of adult dogs are a natural part of the aging process. The important thing is to continue taking good care of the animal, administering the medications it requires and offering therapeutic help to maintain its mobility.

Physiotherapy is one of the recovery therapies that can bring the most benefits when there is an injury. But not just humans. Physiotherapy for dogs is also recommended so that these animals can improve their pathologies. In addition, in many cases, it gives them the extra point they lack to be able to recover completely.

The most appropriate physiotherapy technique for a dog will be different depending on the pathology it has. Among the main ones are, in addition to the classic manual therapy, there is the laser, water baths, magnetotherapy, electrical stimulation or therapy through the application of heat. But when is it necessary to use it?

When to use physiotherapy in dogs

Generally, physiotherapy in dogs is usually quite beneficial for animals that have undergone an operation. Especially, in those who have gone through an operation related to the bones, either of the limbs or of the spine. Generally, it is only necessary to apply it to adult dogs, since puppies usually recover quickly from their ailments.

Also for animals that have lost muscle mass noticeably in the joints of the legs. And also of the dogs that are getting older, more likely to suffer ailments and pains than the younger animals.

With physical therapy, which began to become popular about a decade ago, dogs can speed up recovery from an operation or their injuries. Also relieve chronic pathologies or wear and tear associated with age.

Thanks to different techniques, dogs that receive physiotherapy will be able to relieve their pains and see how the inflammation of their joints and areas affected by diseases is reduced . It will also improve the flexibility of the muscles and reduce the degree of atrophy of ligaments and tendons. And you’ll also see your recovery period shorten by about 30%.

Perro con veterinario

What are the physiotherapy sessions like for dogs?

Physiotherapy sessions for dogs are different depending on the type of treatment that should be applied to them. But in general, they follow common guidelines. Usually, each session lasts between 30-40 minutes and an hour. And depending on the condition of the animal and the estimated duration of treatment, it will have to receive sessions two or three times a week.

In addition to receiving therapy in the consultation of a specialist in canine physiotherapy, animals can also receive manual physiotherapy at home through massages. These sessions can be given by their owner, provided that they have previously received instructions to do so.

This option is the most indicated in case the dog needs a continuous treatment due to the physical wear and tear associated with age. Or when you do not allow the person who is going to apply the treatment to manipulate the area where you feel pain.

To try to avoid the latter, however, it is important that the owner of the dog is present when physiotherapy sessions are applied to the animal. This way you will have more confidence, be more relaxed, and block less access to the area where you feel pain.

Myositis in dogs is one of the canine diseases that most affects their quality of life. Not only because it can affect your ability to move and perform your usual daily activity. Also because it is a very painful pathology that limits them a lot. It is an inflammation of one or more muscles that can affect different parts of the body. Its origin can be multiple, and can be due to wounds and muscle breaks as well as overexertion. But also to the effects of age.

It mainly affects short-haired pets, such as various breeds of dog. It can occur at any age, although it appears more frequently in adult and older dogs. There are three types: eosinophilic, rheumatic and purulent.

Miositis en perros: principales causas, síntomas y tratamiento

Causes and symptoms of myositis in dogs

Myositis in dogs can be due to several reasons. Among them, a muscle tear or a hematoma, both the product of a blow or a fall and excessive physical activity or a jump from a high height. But it can also appear after bearing an excessive load without the animal being prepared for it.

Sometimes it also occurs as a result of hypothermia that a dog can suffer when it is in an environment in which it is excessively cold and without being prepared for it. Then, the muscles have trouble moving, since the cold paralyzes them, and inflammation appears.

When it appears in an older dog, it is simply about the effects of age, which produce various pains and ailments. Or by parasites that nest in the muscles and other mobile areas of the animal’s organism, and cause displacements and erosions.

Obviously, one of the main symptoms that a dog has myositis, in addition to the difficulty of displacement if it affects the legs or the area of the joints and spine, is pain. Affected dogs will have so much pain that they usually won’t want to move (or won’t be able to), and they will moan in pain. They will also refuse to touch the affected area, and even caresses, even if they are soft.

The dog may feel better first thing in the morning after sleeping, but he will already appear tired. And the pain will increase as the day goes by. It is especially indicative of the presence of myositis pain in the area of the pelvis or shoulder, two of the points in which this ailment first manifests.

In addition, myositis presents other additional symptoms. Among them, the difficulties to pose one leg or several, the curved position of the dog’s back , etc. All together with an evident tension in the neck area, product of pain and difficulties in moving, and swelling of the affected area. It can also increase body temperature, and blood appears in the urine. And as a consequence of all this, come decay and loss of appetite.

Treatment of myositis in dogs

When myositis is detected early, and it is a mild form, it will be enough to take the animal to the veterinarian to put an appropriate treatment after finding the cause of the disease. It will usually be fully restored within a couple of weeks. But when it comes to severe myositis or its treatment is postponed, it may take longer to heal, and you may have sequelae.

Among these sequelae are the shortening of the affected muscles, muscle atrophy and the paralysis of one or more limbs. In these cases, in addition to a treatment to eliminate the pain and try to repair as much as possible the damage, the dog may need rehabilitation and various supports to be able to move. These range from a protector for the affected limbs to a wheelchair adapted for more severe cases involving paralysis of the hind legs.

Due to the great veterinary advances, today we can find various solutions for the mobility problems of animals. Whether our friend has suffered from an illness or if we consider adopting, it is possible to take care of a disabled dog so that he enjoys a happy life.

What are the causes of loss of mobility

Although until not too long ago the option of caring for a disabled dog was not valued, today they are given a chance. Thanks to the work of those who fight for their lives, in the market we can find different options to help them improve their quality of life.

But before we move on to the solutions available to care for a disabled dog, let’s look at the causes. In some cases, mobility can recover progressively, but in others, paralysis will be definitive.

  • Diseases or degenerative processes: some pathologies such as canine osteoarthritis of severe type, dysplasia, hernias or degenerative myelopathy, among others, affect the physical abilities of dogs.

  • Interventions: a surgical intervention, a fracture or some accidents temporarily reduce the mobility of the animal. It will be temporary or permanent depending on the severity and damage.

  • Paralysis: being born with a defect or suffering an amputation causes permanent paralysis in the animal.

  • Neurological problems: these types of problems, as well as those of the spine and traumas, usually appear with age or overweight. The solution varies depending on the cause.

Thus, we can distinguish between permanent and temporary paralysis. Depending on the causes, treatment and options for caring for a disabled dog will change. There are different chairs and harnesses on the market to help them. And it is also convenient to use physiotherapy to speed up rehabilitation when possible.

Cómo cuidar de un perro discapacitado

Elements to care for a disabled dog

Caring for a disabled dog is now quite simple given the options we have at our fingertips. Although there are different models of wheelchairs and harnesses on the market, there are those who prefer to build them themselves.


Wheelchairs for caring for a disabled dog are usually made in industrial processes. However, there are also handmade models. At present, we find models made in 3D, which are adapted to the measurements of our friend.

Likewise, the chairs are also adapted for the lack of mobility in the front legs (uncommon) and the posterior legs. And there are wheels for rehabilitation and integral, if mobility is reduced.


Harnesses are also used to care for a disabled dog. They are indicated for the loss of mobility, for the paralyzed or when there is a disability. Thanks to their design they allow us to support the weight of the hind legs, front legs or both.

For greater comfort when caring for a disabled dog, there are also variants with restraint on the vine. The range of types of harnesses is very wide and we will have to look for the one that best suits.

In Ortocanis you can find different models that adapt to the different pathologies of the dog. If you have questions, you can contact us and we will help you choose the right one. You can also read the experience of other buyers. Caring for a disabled dog is giving life a chance.

Dogs’ paws are one of the most vulnerable areas of dogs. On the one hand, they are in direct contact with the ground and can suffer injuries. They are also exposed to blows or bad footsteps. And of course, they can suffer a problem in the legs, or injuries from sprains, bad footsteps, etc. Or simply, due to the effect of age.

Therefore, it is advisable to check your limbs carefully from time to time. You also have to be aware of any change in behavior. If, for example, a dog that is very active suddenly becomes sedentary, or if it changes other behaviors, it is necessary to find out why. To do this, apart from ruling out other pathologies, it is necessary to check their legs.

Cómo detectar una enfermedad o problema en las patas del perro

How to detect a problem in the paws of a dog

Sometimes, if a dog has a paw problem it is quite obvious. Suddenly they start limping, or they don’t want to walk. Or he gives them to lick their paw insistently. Or for giving the feeling that they bite it. So, it’s clear that something is happening to them.

But sometimes, what happens to them is not so obvious. They may be upset, but it is not clear where the problem may be. In that case, when the dog is comfortable, a careful inspection of its paws can be carried out. In these cases, you have to be careful when doing so, so as not to harm it.

How to examine a dog’s paws

To check a dog’s paws for problems or injuries, it is best to start with their pads. Because they are in contact with the ground, they are some of the parts most susceptible to problems. When walking, you can stick something to the dog in them. Or make a small wound, which at first glance is not appreciated, but that can later lead to a more serious problem in the legs. You may also have cracked pads, or a cyst.

After checking the pads and the area around them, if there is no problem in them, you have to check the legs. To do this, it is necessary to carefully feel each of them. In this way you will be able to appreciate strange lumps. Also blows that can cause pain. If so, the animal will react when it feels it, and will try to remove the paw. Hence the review with care. To avoid causing you more pain.

What to do when there is a problem in the legs

Whenever it is detected that a dog has a problem in the legs, it is necessary to go to the veterinarian. Even if it is a wound, because if it does not heal well or becomes infected, it can degenerate into a larger problem. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with a specialist. And do it, in addition, without wasting time. If you wait to go with the dog to a consultation, the problem can be aggravated.

The veterinarian shall examine the animal and decide on the most appropriate treatment in each case. From a wound cure to a small surgery. You can also indicate if it is necessary to protect any areas of the affected legs. For example, with a carpal stand. Or, after surgery, with an orthopedic splint. In any case, you should always follow the guidelines indicated by the specialist.


Animal physiotherapy is a group of therapies and techniques that help us accelerate the rehabilitation of our friends. Recommended for a wide variety of injuries and pathologies, it is becoming a great ally for recovery.

What is physiotherapy for animals

As for humans, physiotherapy for animals is a technique that serves both for the prevention of injuries and for the rehabilitation of them. In addition, due to the wide variety of options, it is able to treat different musculoskeletal pathologies.

It has been shown that physiotherapy in animals is able to cure various conditions. With the reduction of pain, inflammation and swelling, the body is more prepared to rebuild muscle strength and thus regain lost mobility. The recovery process is reduced when these therapies are used.

Physiotherapy for animals is aimed at three different categories. On the one hand, small animals, such as dogs and cats. Secondly, large animals, such as horses. Finally, exotic animals, such as those who participate in circuses or who live locked up in zoos, in which their physical condition is seriously damaged.

Benefits of physiotherapy for animals

Physiotherapy for animals should be carried out when indicated by a veterinarian. It is a complementary therapy that needs to be supervised. Some of the benefits obtained with this treatment are the following:

  • Improved quality of life when mobility has been lost due to some type of injury or degenerative disease

  • Slowing down of the processes that damage and degenerate the musculature and bone structure of the animal. Also helps treat muscle spasms

  • Increased performance and improved treatment for musculoskeletal injuries

  • Improved energy and vitality

  • Reduction of pain in muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints that have suffered ruptures and optimization of fracture repair

fisioterapia para animales

How are the physiotherapy sessions in animals

Physiotherapy in animals covers different treatments. The duration of these sessions is between an hour and an hour and a half depending on the technique used. These can be passive or active depending on the objective we have.

One of the techniques used is massage. In addition to reducing muscle tension and pain, endorphins are released and stress is reduced. Physiotherapy in animals not only improves physical condition, but also helps the emotional picture.

Hydrotherapy is also very common for those animals with joint problems. Since in water we do not carry the weight of the body, this type of physiotherapy for animals is indicated for those whose muscles or bone structure is weakened. The rehabilitator will be in charge of assessing the modality of the swim, the intensity and the time.

Laser therapy or ultrasound are also very often used for the treatment of pathologies. The intensity and depth at which you work will always depend on the degree of the disease and should always be supervised by a rehabilitator.

Physiotherapy for animals as part of rehabilitation can greatly improve our friend’s recovery process. In our store, you can find massagers and hot and cold therapies that will help you achieve these goals.

Elbow bursitis is a more frequent ailment than we think in dogs. Especially in those that have medium or large size and short fur. It is nothing more than an inflammation of the bursa in which the synovial fluid of certain joints is located. Specifically, those that have a gap between the bones they join. It is in it that this bag is located, which wraps around the joints. Almost all joints in the body of humans and animals are of this type, such as the knee or elbow. And it is in the latter that elbow bursitis is most often given in dogs.

Cómo detectar y tratar la bursitis de codo en los perros

Elbow bursitis in dogs: diagnosis and treatment

The appearance of bursitis in the elbow of a dog’s paw spontaneously is quite rare. It will usually appear after a strong blow to the area. Or after a light blow but that the animal is given continuously. When it occurs, it is quite evident that something happens to the animal. The joint begins to become inflamed and the animal has trouble walking and moving it. In addition, he begins to have pains.

Logically, the earlier it is detected, the less gravity it will reach. To do this, it is advisable to explore the dog’s paws with some frequency and, before any strange lump in its joints, go to a veterinarian. He will examine the animal and prescribe the most appropriate treatment.

This treatment will be different depending on several variables. Among them, the state of bursitis, as well as the presence or not of certain complications. For example, from an associated infection. Usually, it will be enough to put a bandage on the affected limb. You may also advise the use of an elbow orthosis to reduce it.

In cases where there is infection, it will also be treated with antibiotics. If it is advanced, it may need to be drained, using a fine needle. And if it is a severe bursitis, it will be necessary to perform a surgical intervention to reduce it.

How to avoid the appearance of bursitis?

To prevent as much as possible the appearance of bursitis, repetitive blows should be avoided. Against the abrupt and strong little can be done, but at least the others can be tried. For example, those that can occur when lying on the ground. To avoid them, a soft surface can be placed where the dog usually lies down.

Obviously, if it is done suddenly, the dog will reject it. Especially if you are an adult and not used to it. Therefore, the sooner you start getting used to sleeping on a cushion of those used as dog beds, the better. If possible, it should be started when the dog is still a puppy. This will make it easier. If you do not accept it, you can try it by placing a soft carpet where you are used to lying down.

It is also advisable to avoid, as far as possible, that the dog lies on the asphalt. Also on the ground if there is no grass or grass on it, since being hard and presenting an irregular surface, it can damage the elbows and lead to bursitis.

Our friend’s health care doesn’t start when he starts to deteriorate. Throughout his life we must take measures so that in his last stage he can enjoy good health. To do this, we leave you some tips to strengthen the joints of a dog.

Cómo fortalecer las articulaciones de un perro

What are the joints of a dog

Joints are a structure that functions as the union of two bones. These are composed of various parts: the capsule, cartilage, synovial membrane, tendons and ligaments, mainly. Each type of joint varies from the others.

All of them are what allow us mobility, therefore, when they begin to deteriorate, movement is reduced and pain is experienced. Their wear prevents them from absorbing the impact when moving. For this reason, it is convenient to strengthen the joints of a dog since it is healthy. This will prevent them from degenerating precipitously and causing discomfort.

Below we are going to know some tips that will help us strengthen the joints. Following them throughout their lives, we will be able to improve the quality of it. As the saying goes, prevention is always better than cure.

Tips for strengthening a dog’s joints

With these simple but effective tips we will be able to strengthen the joints of our dog and improve their overall health. Start putting them into practice now and don’t wait until it’s too late.

Control weight

The main reason why the joints suffer is excess weight. This overload weakens them and increases the pain felt when they wear out. Therefore, to strengthen the joints of a dog, we must control its feeding.

As with humans, the metabolism slows down with age, so as this progresses, we must reduce the caloric intake. If we are used to also giving it our food, we must bear in mind that although it is a whim, it also increases the total calories it ingests.

Improves your diet

Although feed preparations contain all the necessary nutrients, sometimes it is convenient to take supplements that help us strengthen the joints. Especially when it comes to dogs of advanced age or susceptible to suffer this type of pathologies.

L-carnitine and omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids are very important for strengthening joints from within. Protein-rich foods, such as meat or fish, help nourish the collagen found inside them.

As far as oils are concerned, coconut, flaxseed or Krill are very good for strengthening joints. Check with your veterinarian or at your pet store if you have questions about which foods to choose.

Exercise frequently

The fact that dogs are domesticated and accustomed to living in houses, does not mean that they can have a sedentary life like many people. Animals need to walk several times a day and perform activities such as running and playing. Not only will they feel happy, but it will also help strengthen the joints.

If we keep our dog in shape from a young age, his muscles will be stronger and will be able to better support the joints. When your age is older, your activity level will be milder, but you will also enjoy running. Remember that strengthening the joints will save us many future problems.

With these simple tips we can make an important difference in the health of an animal. Strengthening our dog’s joints is practically an obligation as owners. In addition, the hours of play will improve the bond between the two.