Herniated disc in dogs is a painful disease. Many owners want to help their pets, but they don’t know how. Is this your case? Read on and find out how to help your dog with his herniated disc.

If you have a dog with many years of life or of certain specific breeds (such as beagles or poodles), your pet may have suffered a herniated disc in dogs or is at risk of suffering from it. This disease is painful and can cause problems in mobility, paralysis in certain areas of your body, lack of control of the bladder …

Many dog owners suffer from seeing their best friends in that position, but they don’t know how to help them. In this article we want to give you some tips to make the recovery of herniated disc in dogs more bearable.

Hernia discal en perros: consejos para ayudar a tu mascota

Herniated Disc in Dogs: Tips to Help Your Dog

1. When in doubt, take your pet to the vet

Hernia in dogs can occur for several reasons. Sometimes they are degenerative herniated discs produced by age. And some dogs have a genetic tendency to contract them. But sometimes they are produced by activity. A jump or a bad fall can lead to a herniated disc in dogs. If you notice any kind of limping or pain in your dog, take him to the vet. Express your doubts and ask him to do a complete check-up on the dog. Prevention can prevent your dog from annoying and painful rehabilitation and even surgery.

2. Follow the program prescribed to your dog

Herniated discs in dogs have built-in rehabilitation that includes exercises and medication. This can be a nuisance to you as a dog owner, but remember. Your dog is a loyal friend and deserves the best. Follow the guidelines that the veterinarian prescribes you and you will see how your state of health improves. Some exercises you can do are treadmill rides, stimulation, application of heat to the affected area using an infrared lamp … The veterinarian is the expert, so you should ask him any questions about the treatment that may arise.

3. Complement the treatment with alternative methods

A word of warning: an alternative treatment is an adjunct to the therapy ordered by the veterinarian. In no case replace medication or rehabilitation exercises with an alternative therapy.

However, certain techniques have been shown to help relieve pets during their recovery from a herniated disc in dogs. Animal physiotherapy or electrotherapy can help accelerate the effects of veterinary therapy and make it less unpleasant for your dog.

4. Acquire specialized equipment

Some accessories, such as dog wheelchairs, thermal coats, special feeders or ramps to help you get on the sofa or car can make it easier to rehabilitate herniated discs in dogs.

Dogs are faithful creatures that are by our side when we need it most. Give him the same treatment. Help him when he faces the pains of the herniated disc in dogs and you will see how the joy of your pet returns to the home.

If your dog has mobility problems or injuries, have you considered acquiring a wheelchair for dogs? Below we tell you the 3 benefits of acquiring a wheelchair for dogs.

You may have ever seen dogs in wheelchairs and felt some grief. Pets look small and helpless in dog wheelchairs. Their mobility is no longer the same, they can not jump and run as before and you have to adapt the house so that the dog can move comfortably.

However, for the dog a wheelchair is not a punishment. Quite the contrary. Think of it this way: the dog wheelchair is a device that allows animals that can no longer move comfortably to overcome pain and physical impairments and live a life as full and happy as possible.

If you think your pet needs a wheelchair for dogs and you suffer at the thought of acquiring one, don’t worry anymore. Today we want to tell you the 3 benefits of wheelchairs for dogs. Improve your pet’s life today and enjoy many years of joy with it.


@happysevilla with your self-adjusting dog wheelchair

The 3 Benefits of Acquiring a Dog Wheelchair

1. Avoid pain

Imagine that your dog has an injury to one of his hind legs that makes him limp. The dog wheelchair allows you to run again and enjoy walks and socialize with other dogs without pain. Also, since you will no longer strain the injured dog’s paw, it will speed up your recovery. Before you know it, your best friend will be back in top form pulling on the leash when you take him out for a ride.

2. Regain mobility

Some dogs, especially older ones or those with a genetic tendency, suffer from herniated discs in dogs. One of the symptoms is loss of mobility and paralysis of some parts of the dog. This prevents them from leading a healthy and happy life. Wheelchairs for dogs allow them to dodge this impediment and return to enjoy all the fun of walks and socializing with other dogs. As with humans, the dog wheelchair can make your pet regain its independence and avoid the obstacles of poor mobility.

3. They are adaptable

Dog wheelchairs can adapt to different sizes, your dog’s needs and almost all terrains. Your dog will not have to give up the beach or the mountain and will be able to continue carrying the same train of life as before the injury.

The wheelchair for dogs is a complement that they do not lock in metal bundles. On the contrary. It allows them to run again and lead healthy, full lives, away from the sedentary lifestyle and unhappiness they would have without them. Do not think twice and acquire for your dog a wheelchair with which he can return to play and be happy.

Dogs can also suffer from osteoarthritis as they get older. Just like humans. This disease, caused by wear and tear on the cartilage of the limbs of animals, causes them a lot of suffering. Luckily, osteoarthritis in dogs can be treated.

Thus, among its symptoms are pains, lameness of the affected limb or stiffness. Also difficulty moving and climbing stairs. And even experience a loss of mass in the muscles, and an abnormal decrease in your appetite.

Obviously, the sooner the symptoms of osteoarthritis are detected in a dog, the sooner the most appropriate treatment can be applied. As we will see below, it will be different depending on its severity.

Artrosis en perros: los tratamientos más adecuados para aliviarla

Treatment for osteoarthritis in dogs

The first thing to do before a dog affected by osteoarthritis is several changes in its routine. All with the aim of getting the animal to have the least problems and the greatest possible autonomy. For example, if you regularly rest in a house with several floors, change your sleeping cushion to a plant where you do not have to climb stairs.

It will also be necessary to inevitably follow the instructions of the veterinarian. He will probably suggest giving the dog a treatment based on anti-inflammatories. In addition, it is likely to suggest that the animal take a compound with vitamins and minerals, in addition to collagen. With this type of compounds, what the veterinarian intends is that the cartilage stops its wear. Also prevent it from deforming.

However, we must not ignore the fact that osteoarthritis is a chronic degenerative disease. It is necessary to avoid as much as possible that the animal has pains, for which other measures can be taken. Among them, monitor your weight and prevent you from gaining excess weight. You also have to make sure that there are many fatty acids in your diet. This favors the elasticity of the joints.

You also have to make sure that the dog does light exercise. Of course, adapted to your possibilities. For example, try to take walks, but prevent it from running. On the other hand, since extreme temperatures are not suitable for osteoarthritis, you have to protect yourself from them. Thus, it is necessary to avoid exposing it to both extreme cold and excessive heat.

In very severe cases of osteoarthritis, dogs may need to replace their affected joints with prostheses. Exactly the same as what happens in older people with age-related degenerative diseases. But that is only appropriate if the situation is already very serious. Or if the veterinarian so advises. Meanwhile, they can be helped with palliative treatments. Or with protectors that provide stability.

Protectors for limbs affected by osteoarthritis

In case osteoarthritis causes enough discomfort to the dog, it is advisable to protect the limbs that are affected. For this, protectors suitable for both the animal and the disease can be used.

For example, knee protectors for dogs. Or, if the animal is already very old and suffers from advanced hip osteoarthritis, a wheelchair can help it maintain mobility. Even a suitable harness, with which dogs with mobility problems in the hind legs can achieve more stability.


Surely we have ever wondered if our dog understands us when we talk to him. In recent years, studies from journals such as Science1 or Proceding of the Royal Society B2 have shown that these animals are capable of understanding human communication.

In this sense, the brain of our best friend works in a very similar way to ours when it comes to language; since its left hemisphere serves to understand the words we say, while with the right it can differentiate the intonation that we are using.


Keep in mind that dogs are able to memorize specific and important words for them, that is why when we address our dogs we usually use short and precise phrases. Also, previously we must perform a fundamental work with our dog since we must help him memorize the main words, and that requires our attention, patience and affection.

Another key element in communication with our dog is intonation, using a high-pitched tone of voice will help him pay more attention to what we are telling him. Also, we can not always speak with the same tone of voice, and for this it will be important to remember that we have to speak with a soft tone, since we want to show affection and love for our dog. Even if we are angry with him because he has done some mischief we must control our intonation.

We will not achieve anything by shouting at our dog, perhaps only affecting him and driving him away making him afraid of us. In addition, if he is afraid of us, it is very likely that he will begin to disobey us on a regular basis as a way of escape and rebellion.

We never have to forget that our dogs have feelings, and that they are animals that need to feel our affection. Therefore, it is essential that they can perceive all the love we feel when we speak to them.

And remember, do not despair, think that our friends understand us enough to have a relationship of complicity sometimes superior to what we can get many of our species. In addition, over time the understanding will go further. Just in case you don’t wait for machines like the one that futurologist William Higham, author of the book “The Next Big Thing” and that predicts that in ten years there will be devices that allow us to talk to our dogs, give more information than a cross of complicit glances, a hug or a simple flutter of their tail.

Source: Science1, Proceding of the Royal Society B2.

Baner silla 728x90


Pacma has formalized a complaint before the Subdelegation of the Government in Cádiz against a neighbor of Chipiona for animal abuse, since he would have dragged a donkey tied by the head to the tow ball of his SUV through the town, causing injuries to the animal.

In a statement, Pacma explained that the events took place around 12:40 p.m. on Granada Avenue in the town of Chipione, thus incurring the accused in an alleged crime of animal abuse typified in article four of the Law 11/2003, 24 November, on the Protection of Animals of the Junta de Andalucía.

As it has specified, this article expressly prohibits “mistreating or physically assaulting animals or subjecting them to any other practice that inflicts unjustified suffering or damage on them”.

In the graphic documentation with which Pacma accompanies his complaint it is observed that the animal is dragged by the car, which “would cause stress and damage to its legs”, stressing at this point that in the photographs can be seen on the ground “blood of the animal” due to “the rubbing of its hooves against the road”.

Finally, the complainants have reported that several pedestrians rebuked the alleged perpetrator of the events for the treatment of the animal, motivating him to get out of the vehicle and take the donkey walking.

Source: Europa Press

Ayudas para perros con artrosis

A device picks up signals from the brain and forwards them to a sensor that activates the endings responsible for controlling the muscles.

A macaque that could not move one of its hind legs because of a spinal cord injury, has managed to walk almost normally thanks to a “bypass” that wirelessly communicates the brain and the endings responsible for activating the muscles. This cerebrospinal neuroprosthesis, as defined by those responsible, has been developed at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, in Switzerland, in collaboration with other research centres and the company Medtronic.

The animal has a small sensor built into the brain that captures the emitted signals – from the macaque’s desire to move – and sends them to a processor. The data is treated and decoded and then forwarded to another device with electrodes that are placed in the lumbar area of the spinal cord, on the other side of the injury, and activate the neurons that direct the muscles of the affected leg. -“What we do is restore in real time and wirelessly the communication between the celebrity and the locomotor system“, says one of the authors in the project, Eduardo Martín Moraud, a Spanish engineer who works at the University of Oxford (Nuffiel College) and who had already been 5 years in the team of the Swiss School.

The details of the research, whose first satisfactory results were obtained in June 2015, have been published in the scientific journal ‘Nature’. One of the two monkeys in the experiment recovered the use of his paralyzed limb in the first week after the injury, without training, both on the treadmill and on the ground, while the second took about two weeks.

Recuperacion paralisis animal

As reported by the EPFL, a clinical study has been launched at the University Hospital of Lausanne to validate the therapeutic effects of the technology in people with spinal cord injury, but only partially. For now, what is done is to check if the placement in the marrow of a device with electrodes, previously programmed, manages to restore the movement of the legs. It does not communicate with the brain.


As the researchers explain, when the brain decides to perform a movement or any other activity, there is “a transmission of electricity peaks between neurons” that can be measured and interpreted by a mathematical algorithm. In an intact nervous system, the signals that denote walking come from a small region of the brain called the motor cortex (or motor cortex).

Subsequently, the signals travel through the spinal cord, reach the neural networks located in the lumbar region and these activate the muscles of the legs to produce the movements.

Spinal cord injuries, partial or complete, prevent these signals from reaching neurons and cause paralysis. However, the motor cortex still maintains the brain activity that generated walking instructions. And the neural networks that activate the muscles in the paralyzed leg are also intact and can still generate leg movements.

On this occasion, “96 neural channels of the cortex that offer a lot of information” were measured, says Martín Moraud, who recalls that in previous experiments, for example, it had already been possible for human patients to activate a computer at a distance just by thinking about doing so. “We were interested in controlling only two events: when the leg is raised and when it is perched,” he continues.

Then, the electrical stimulation of a few volts, in a specific area of the spinal cord, modulates different networks of neurons that can activate specific muscles in the legs. “I have dealt specifically with the system that allows you to stimulate the marrow in real time,” continues Martín Moraud.


For the monkeys to regain mobility, “no physiotherapy or training was necessary,” says neuroscientist Erwan Bezard of the University of Bordeaux, who oversaw the experiments. All treatments have been carried out after control by the bioethics committees of the participating centers.

“For the first time I can imagine a completely paralyzed patient being able to move his legs through this brain-spinal interface,” neurosurgeon Jocelyne Bloch of the University Hospital of Lausanne (CHUV), who is responsible for placing the implants in the brain and spinal cord, said in a statement.

Source: The journal, Scientific Journal Nature.

Ayudas para perros pararíticos

Without any doubt we are living an advance in our country, late, but that arrives. On October 5, a very important step forward was taken for all those who wish to be part of an advanced state and defender of animal rights.

Rodillera para perro

The plenary session of the Congress of Deputies has given the go-ahead this Wednesday to a proposal by Esquerra Republicana (ERC) that urges the Government to reduce the VAT on veterinary services and medicines from the current 21% to 10%.

The initiative has been approved with the support of most of the groups except those of Citizens, which has abstained, and PP that has voted against.

The deputy of ERC, Joan Capdevila, a veterinarian by profession, has defended that “it does not make sense from any point of view” that the VAT of services “as basic” as veterinarians was raised from 8 to 21% in 2012 and that this price increase can lead to a public health problem since many people have had to desist from resorting to the veterinarian due to the increase in costs.

Perro en silla de ruedas

He also added that half of Spanish families have a pet, and that “you can not record the possession of a dog or a cat as a luxury item because it is not and brings many social benefits.”

Esquerra’s proposal maintains that only in 2014 730 veterinary clinics were closed in Spain “for, among other reasons, the increase in veterinary VAT”.

At the same time, he adds that, in tax terms, the veterinary pet sector does not represent even 0.02 percent of the GDP of the Spanish State.

The parliamentary debate was attended by representatives of the General Council of Veterinary Colleges to support this initiative.

Ayudas para perros con artrosis, displasia de cadera o problemas de movilidad

Source: Abogacia.es, El país, Europa Press.

Now that the holidays are approaching, we must insist that abandonment is something that ruins thousands of innocent lives. Help us raise awareness against abandonment.

Video of the French Campaign against the Abandonment of 30 Milions d’amis.


Ayudas para perros con artrosis

After finishing his studies as an orthoprosthetic technician, Martin Kaufmann began working “with humans” in different clinics in the American Midwest. But it wasn’t until his cousin’s dog suffered a stroke, and the subsequent loss of mobility of one of his paws, that he realized how limited the options were to cure an injury that he was fed up with treating in humans.

“I was surprised to hear veterinarians consider complete limb amputation,” Kaufmann says. “It was that that led me to ask the most obvious question: why don’t our favorite quadrupeds enjoy the same access to prosthetics?”

Why don’t our favorite quadrupeds enjoy the same access to prosthetics?”

Human prostheses have been common for centuries, but until recently the only options available for animals with total or partial loss of their limbs were euthanasia or complete amputation. Kaufmann was able to verify that most veterinarians did not even consider prostheses as an option; that was simply not part of the educational baggage.

“Unlike in the case of surgeons and doctors, that was not part of any training module,” he says. “No one had published any studies explaining that dogs could use prostheses.”

This lack of data is a problem. There are very few researchers dedicated to animal prostheses and not enough published studies to ensure that animals could, or in what cases, benefit from the use of a prosthesis. Not even to say for sure that the prostheses would not cause them any harm.

El perro 'Journey'.The dog ‘Journey’. / KEVIN BACHAR.

One of the main points of debate is to clarify, once and for all, whether a prosthesis hinders or helps those animals that have lost a single leg. A dog with three legs, when playing in the park, may very well appear happy — which doesn’t mean it’s not facing a challenge, Kaufmann says. “Only the cardiovascular endurance needed to carry out the simplest or most trivial activities is already enormous,” not to mention the possibility of causing new injuries.

“More appropriate for the use of prostheses will be those animals with two damaged limbs, because quadrupeds are not good at walking on two legs,” says Denis Marcellin-Little, a professor of orthopedic surgery at North Carolina State University School of Veterinary Medicine. “With three, the matter is even more debatable; some carry it much worse than others.”

You can’t ask a dog his opinion about the latest adjustments… All decisions will be based on clinical evaluation and data.”

Even with prostheses, there is still the challenge of getting the animal used to its use. “One of the main factors of failure with pet prostheses appears when [el animal] it fails to explain what is that thing that is stuck there,” says Marcellin-Little.

Communication problems are the bread and butter of any prosthetic technician, especially if the device is uncomfortable or unstable. “You can’t ask a three-year-old to give you their impressions about the assembly and operation of a prosthesis,” Kaufmann says, “[and] you can’t ask a dog his opinion about the latest adjustments… All decisions will be based on clinical evaluation and data.”

The enormous diversity of sizes and anatomies between different animals is yet another challenge: having to memorize a whole new set of musculoskeletal concepts is, to say the least, problematic. Kaufmann asks, “How are you going to be able to give the patient the quality of life they deserve, when you have to learn things like, ‘Let’s see… how does this stork work? What’s normal for a stork?'” There are also important physiological differences to take into account. For example, in Thailand, in 2007, an elephant was fitted with a prosthetic leg after having stepped on a mine in its infancy. “Elephants sweat by the limbs to regulate their temperature, like most animals, so the use of a prosthesis can interfere with their thermal management. In the case of the elephant, this caused it to beat its ears more frequently, to compensate.”

It’s been 12 years since Kaufmann and his wife Amy opened Orthopets, a company dedicated to the manufacture of veterinary prostheses and orthoses (prostheses replace lost parts of a body, while orthoses protect or support injured limbs). With large dogs it’s easier, he tells us — they’re about the size of a preteen child — but most Kaufmann canine patients bulge less than a two-month-old baby. “You end up trying to put a prosthesis on a kilo dog that circles around you like a madman.”

'Molly', un pony al que le faltaba una pata.‘Molly’, a pony missing a leg. / LIZETTE GESUDEN

Meanwhile, new cases of animal prostheses appear more and more frequently in the media. Only in recent years have we had the Dudley duck, with a 3D printed leg; Beauty, an Alaskan bald eagle with a prosthetic beak; and Smaug, a Komodoequiped dragon with an orthosis that prevents him from walking with the instep of his foot. Marcellin-Little recently fitted an orthopedic corset to a sea turtle that had a damaged fin. This way he could keep the limb stable during the healing process.

There is no shortage of challenges: “What solution can you offer a dog that, after losing part of each of its legs, walks, basically, in a dive?” asks Kaufmann. “[Es] incredibly complex”. However, addressing these challenges could reveal or refine techniques that will later be useful for both animals and humans – such as prosthetic implants, where a prosthesis is fixed by a rod inserted directly into the bone. “With animals we can go much deeper than we would be able to – or are allowed to do – with humans,” Kaufmann says. If this technique were to be perfected, it could mean the practical overcoming of suspension problems in traditional prostheses.

Source: newspaper “El País

Ayudas para perros con artrosis


When looking for a new canine companion, it’s easy to give up in favor of an adorable puppy and all the energy it brings. But remember that youth goes hand in hand with new challenges, biting, breaking any object in the house, having to train them in obedience…. If you’re looking for a well-behaved buddy who still has a lot to give, consider keeping an older dog. In honor of Adopt a Senior Pet Month, an initiative that encourages the adoption of dogs 7 or older each November, we share here ten reasons that make senior dogs wonderful family members, according to Tracey Stewart, wife of comedian Jon Stewart and noted animal lover, in her new book Do Unto Animals*.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

 Tracey dice que muchas mascotas sénior fueron criadas en casas amorosas y que perdieron a sus protectores debido a divorcios, enfermedades o muerte -ninguna razón de éstas causante de que cambiara el amor entre ellos-. Los perros de la tercera edad están simplemente buscando compartir su naturaleza cariñosa con una nueva familia.

1. No te dan muchas sorpresas. No hay necesidad de imaginarse cuanto crecerán, con qué frecuencia necesitarás cepillarlos, o qué personalidad tendrán. Lo que ves es lo que hay!

2. Adiós a los manuales para enseñar a que hagan sus necesidades fuera! A los perros mayores es probable que ya les hayan enseñado en el pasado. Si no es así, están físicamente y mentalmente preparados para aprenderlo rápidamente.

 3. Está bien decir las cosas solo una vez. Los perros mayores han estado con humanos el tiempo suficiente como para entender nuestro idioma. Frecuentemente saben lo que estamos preguntando o pueden aprender rápidamente a hacer lo que les decimos. Puedes enseñar a un perro anciano nuevos trucos, y los aprenderán rápidamente!

 4. Ellos encajan deprisa. Un perro o gato mayor lleva tiempo paseando por el barrio y ha entrado en contacto con muchos otros perros, gatos y gente. Los ancianos normalmente saben lo que se necesita para encajar sin problemas en una familia y lo hacen con facilidad.

Ortesis-de-codo 5. Puedes relajarte! A diferencia de un cachorro o gatito que introduces por vez primera en una casa, un animal viejo normalmente no se está metiendo en problemas continuamente. No tienes que poner la casa a prueba de ellos durante meses y meses.

 6. Ellos disfrutan de paseos rápidos y no piden mucho. Los perros más ancianos no requieren que se les lleve a diario a hacer tres paseos que les permita hacer mucho ejercicio, y se agotarán de jugar a ir a buscar la pelota y devolvértela después de poco tiempo. Aunque necesiten también hacer ejercicio, a los seniors ya les suele ir bien un buen paseo por la mañana, a parte de las otras salidas puntuales necesarias para hacer sus necesidades.

 7. Tus zapatos nuevos favoritos estarán seguros del destrozo de los cachorros. Como el período de dentición les queda ya atrás, la masticación destructiva es normalmente una cosa del pasado.

 8. La edad es solo un número. La edad no siempre significa problemas de salud y facturas médicas caras. Los animales jóvenes pueden desarrollar problemas de salud también, y hoy en día existen nuevas ayudas técnicas que facilitan la vida a los perros mayores.

 9. Ellos dan a tu fibra sensible un extra. Hay algo increíblemente poderoso acerca de proveer de refugio, amor, cuidado, abrazos y básicamente paz a un perro senior en sus últimos años de vida. 

 10.Un tiempo juntos corto pero dulce. Los niños van a la Universidad, la gente se retira y las situaciones cambian. A veces es posible que tengamos un tiempo más reducido para dedicarnos al cuidado de un animal especial pero incluso así puedes beneficiarte de la compañía de un súper anciano, a la vez que salvas una valiosa vida.

Equipo Ortocanis

 *Este texto contiene traducciones de un fragmento del libro Do Unto Animals de Tracey Stewart.

Ayudas para perros con artrosis