Did you know that music is a great ally when you need to relax a dog? It may sound strange but judging by the thousands of searches and millions, if yes, millions of views that have the videos below that we have selected for you, it will be that some truth has.

Musica relajante para perros

What’s more, dogs respond differently depending on the type of music they hear. As in humans, heavy music increases nervousness and classical music reassures and makes even dogs sleep 6% more according to the study conducted by psychologist and canine behavior specialist Lori R. Kogan, from the University of Colorado (USA). The effect of different musical styles such as classical, heavy-metal and others was studied on a total of 117 dogs, who were waiting for an adoption in an animal shelter.
Here we leave you a selection that we have made so that you can relax your dogs for hours;

1 hour of relaxing music for dogs:

2 more hours of relaxing music for animals:

One more hour of relaxing dog songs:

Another hour of relaxing music for puppies:

More relaxing music for dogs and cats:

Ideal music to relax dogs during the massage:

Ayudas para perros con artrosis

Perro con veterinarioArtritis-y-sintomasLuckily or unfortunately dogs don’t talk, so sometimes it can be hard to tell if they’re in pain. Fortunately, the dog’s response to pain is very similar to what we give. Depending on its level of tolerance to it, its intensity and its origin, we will observe changes in behavior that seek to avoid it. These avoidant behaviors will be more or less marked, so it is important to know well what the normal behavior of the dog in question is to realize the changes.


These changes can manifest themselves in the form of general behavioral alterations ranging from depression/apathy of the animal, through loss of appetite and abnormal panting, to situations of social avoidance or even aggressiveness, especially when the pain becomes more intense when touching the area causing said pain.

chat whatsapp perroIn more concrete terms, postural or movement alterations can be observed: the dog avoids performing those movements and postures that intensify the pain. A simple example is not to support that leg that is injured. There can also be an excessive grooming behavior of the painful area, which can bring more serious situations, such as when a small lesion on the skin is complicated in licking dermatitis, although the pain is a physiological response of protection whose function is to avoid the aggravation of an injury.

Those abnormal postures that the dog adopts to avoid feeling pain or to decrease its intensity are called analgesic postures. An example of these is the slouching that can be observed in the face of abdominal pain. With this posture the animal seeks to reduce the tension exerted by the walls of the abdomen on the organs of the cavity, which is where the pain has its origin.

Sometimes realizing the problem is not so simple, because the tolerance that the specific dog has to pain varies from one animal to another. Also, as with people, pain is difficult to quantify objectively. Even the situation occurs that pain can confuse us about the origin of it, because pain is a nervous mechanism that can originate from a localized physical injury, but it can also originate in the nervous system without having an apparent injury in the painful area. An example of this situation is the pain that is observed in a pinching in the spine: the pain does not manifest itself more intensely in the place where the injury is, but refers to the areas that are innervated by the affected nerves.

soporte-de-cadera-canino_preuIt also happens that the pain feels different depending on the affected tissue. It is easy to locate the exact place of injury in the case of muscle or skeletal pain, but not when the problem is of an internal organ: a thorn stuck in a finger is easy to find, but to know the cause of abdominal pain, the perception of which is more diffuse, it is advisable to carry out more detailed explorations, even with more informative diagnostic techniques such as an ultrasound or an X-ray.

What is really important is to realize as soon as possible the existence of pain, both to treat the problem that originates it as soon as possible and to take measures to reduce its intensity. Since pain, although a physiological response to protect the body from the complication of injuries, has been shown to delay recovery from injury. It is for this reason that treatments against pain are used even before it appears in surgical interventions. In this way it has been possible to shorten the recovery time of the dog, in addition to significantly improving its well-being.

In addition, it has been seen that if the pain is not treated it can become chronic and require lifelong medication, since the nerves are “sensitized”, even when the cause of that pain has already been resolved.

www.Ortocanis.com Veterinary Team

Ayudas para perros con artrosis

  • The Government is considering punishing zoophilia and the organization of cockfights and dogs
  • ERC calls for increasing sentences so that the cruelest aggressors do not evade prison
Perro atropellado y rescatado por perrera de barcelona

A caretaker of the kennel in Barcelona walks last January to Brownie, an abandoned and run over dog that was finally adopted.

As disgusting as it may seem to most people, a quick glance on the internet allows you to find hundreds of videos of sex between humans, usually women, and animals of all kinds. These practices will be vetoed in Spain in the coming months if an agreement is forged between the parliamentary groups of Congress that aims to toughen penalties and introduce new crimes that punish animal abuse and that, according to the sources consulted, has signs of materializing shortly.

Esquerra Republicana has presented eight amendments to the reform of the Penal code that has been discussed for some days in the lower house and that the PP is, for the moment, willing to accept, waiting to know the contributions of the rest of the groups and to seek a joint wording on the behaviors to be typified, according to popular sources.

The reform designed in its day by Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón, and that after a paralyzed year has been resumed and is being negotiated in an express way with a view to its approval in Congress in mid-January, already improved animal protection, by increasing the penalty, for example, if the mistreatment causes the death of any living being that lives “under human control”.


ERC now proposes that zoophilia be punished for the first time in Spain, with prison sentences of one to three years. It also demands that the organizers of dog or fights be prosecuted and the punishment of abuse in general be toughened, so that if the aggressor is a repeat offender, the judge can decree his entry into prison. This would be achieved by raising prison sentences to three years, since punishments of less than two years normally avoid imprisonment.

Likewise, Esquerra claims a penalty of three months to a year for those who abandon any animal, without demanding that it be in danger, as originally proposed by the reform designed by Gallardón.

Several of these amendments reflect the demands made by the Parliamentary Association for the Defense of Animals (APDDA). Its president, the former deputy of the Chunta Aragonesista Chesús Yuste, warns that, if this opportunity is missed and finally zoophilia is not punished, “there is a risk that Spain will become a sanctuary” of this sexual assault, given that in the rest of the surrounding countries it is already punished.


Yuste assures that sex between humans and animals is “more frequent than you think” and that there are even pimps who are dedicated to prostituting sheep, cows, horses and other fauna. For this reason, he welcomes the fact that the parties are seeking on this and other aberrations against animals “the maximum consensus”.

According to the sources consulted, the Popular Party, with the approval of the Ministry of Justice, has commissioned a comparative study to analyze how the legislations of other states punish zoophilia, with the purpose of seeking a wording and introducing even penalties in Spain.

Patricia Martin. Madrid.

Source: www.elperiodico.com

Silla de ruedas para perros y gatos

Home for Hope

The brand of Swedish origin Ikea in collaboration with the protective Animal Lovers League Shelter and Save Our Street Dogs have launched an original adoption campaign. This is Home for Hope. It takes place in Singapore and aims to help find a home for dogs that are crowded in the shelters.

The idea is simple: start with a photo shoot to get life-size images of the dogs. A QR code is added and displayed in Ikea stores, integrated into the decoration. In this way, anyone can scan them with their mobile and obtain the dog’s information, facilitating their adoption.

At the moment, this initiative is only applied in Singapore, we hope that the results will be favorable and homeless dogs from other countries can also benefit.

Don’t buy, adopt.

Arneses para perros con movilidad reducida

In Ortocanis we have the opportunity to meet many dogs (along with their owners) that go through difficult situations. And we increasingly realize that we have a lot to learn from them. Dogs live in the moment and are capable of the best, without the filters or self-imposed worries of humans.

This is a magnificent video of overcoming and positivity. We encourage you to enjoy it and learn a lot from it, learn to be more dog.

Baner silla 728x90

Tinta en


This is Tinta, a love in a wheelchair. And he has been on TV because he is looking for a family. In Ortocanis we are sure that with the diffusion and the spectacular mood that it gives off it will have achieved its objective in a matter of hours. Unfortunately, there are many more like her, most of them abandoned dogs and cats victims of abuses that deserve a chance.

From Ortocanis we are glad that it is disseminated in a medium with as much reach as television. And now yes, we leave you with Ink:


Unfortunately, the Internet is sometimes used to disseminate videos, images and advocacy of animal abuse. This information is known to most Internet users, but what can sometimes go unnoticed is that the fact, due to indignation, of sharing that material and making comments of rejection has very undesirable effects:

perro asustado_d

  • Contributes to its dissemination (for better and for worse)
  • It puts the author/abuser on notice, so it is likely that they will remove the content being then impossible to trace by the authorities.
  • It motivates the abuser since, by exalting the population, he obtains the stimulus he seeks.

And then… How to act?

In the event of a case of animal abuse on the network, we basically have to gather as many evidence as possible and get it to the authorities.

To gather evidence, everything works: social media profiles, images, videos, links,… All this information must reach the security forces. For this we have several ways:

  • Send a report to the National Police Corps (telematic crimes): click here to enter.
  • Send a complaint to Seprona (Civil Guard): [email protected]
  • Send the information to the Observatory of Defense and Animal Justice. They sign and manage the complaints, which allows the citizen to maintain anonymity and increases the effectiveness of the complaint, since they have lawyers to provide legal support. They themselves further investigate the case and file the complaint. You can send the information to: guardiandelared@justiciaydefensaanimal
  • Contact a protector. Some have legal services.

From Ortocanis we encourage you to denounce abuse and its apology.

persona animal banner_d


Orthocanis Team

Silla de ruedas para perros y gatos


We finally see some progress in Spanish animal protection regulations. A Draft Law has been presented establishing the basic regulations of the trade and responsible ownership of dogs and cats. This change in regulations is intended to ensure animal welfare in dogs and cats.

Currently, only the Autonomous Communities of Catalonia and Andalusia have Statutes that assume specific competences regarding animal protection.

At the state level, there is no framework regulation that regulates the possession and protection of pets. But this is set to change. During the month of June 2014, the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment (MAGRAMA), has made public the Draft of the Draft Law that establishes the basic regulations of trade and responsible ownership of dogs and cats.

This Draft must still go through a series of phases until it is approved, and can be modified during the process.

Notable news:

  • Prohibition of mutilation, including amputation of the third phalanx (deungulation), unless therapeutically necessary by the animal or when it is essential for the purpose for which the animal is intended (prior authorization of the Competent Authority)
  • Use animals in shows or as advertising claims if that causes them distress or suffering.
  • The marketing of dogs and cats in pet stores is prohibited.Tienda de mascotas
  • The transmission of dogs and cats may only be carried out through breeders or foster establishments.
  • Forecast of the figure of the donation contract.
  • Obligation to inform in the donation contract of aspects such as life expectancy and the approximate annual costs of keeping the animal in good condition.
  • Establishment of two categories of breeder: regular breeder (has more than five animals intended for donation or marketing or more than one litter per year) and occasional breeder (less than five animals and maximum one litter per year)
  • Animals less than eight weeks of age may not be placed on the market.
  • It may not be marketed, donated or given to an animal for adoption without its identification in accordance with current regulations (microchip) microchip_f
  • Regulation in transport.
  • Obligation to communicate the loss of an animal within a maximum period of seven days, thereafter it will be understood that it is an abandoned animal.

Aspects that we miss or not regulated:

  • All pets except the dog and cat are excluded.
  • Little concreteness in the concept of “animal abuse” (it will lend itself to many interpretations)
  • The regulations that will regulate the current shortcomings of this Draft, which are expected to be ready in a period of between six months and two years after the entry into force of the regulations, are still missing. For example, it is not yet specified how the identification of animals should be.
  • There is no mandatory registration of animals in municipal censuses
  • There are shortcomings in the establishment of ancillary sanctions. For example, in the prohibition of acquiring animals by the sanctioned.

Bienestar animal

From Ortocanis we hope that the draft can include some of the shortcomings and progress, since it means a step forward towards a fairer society with tod@s.

Source: Cristina Bécares Mendiola – www.derechoanimal.info


Silla de ruedas para perros y gatos