Owners often ask themselves questions about whether to shelter their pets in winter, this question at the same time comes with many others of this type:

Don’t dogs already have enough hair?
Is it a bit ridiculous?
Does it depend on the breed?
Does it depend on the area?

Is it normal in small dogs that are colder and silly in large breed dogs and especially with long hair?

All these questions may have more than one answer, but in general we SHOULD shelter dogs in winter, especially if we are in cold areas.

Older dogs are more likely to suffer from cold than younger dogs, who have more vitality. Older dogs especially with problems such as osteoarthritis suffer a lot with the drop in temperatures, we must do something to protect dogs with osteoarthritis from cold weather.
Dogs small breeds are more prone to cold than large ones, so they should be warmer.
There are some large breeds that are very prone to suffer cold and have a very bad time especially very short-haired dogs such as greyhounds.
The amount of hair influences, we will not shelter a Nordic dog in a Mediterranean city, but perhaps yes, if we go to the snow at sub-zero temperatures and do not do physical activity.

Regarding the ridicule is very opinionable, I could be more embarrassed to see the dog shiver and do nothing to help him.abrigo-para-perro
Elderly dogs are very grateful for a blanket in winter, and even in warmer times if they suffer from osteoarthritis in the spine or hips, the typical hip dysplasias of Golden, German Shepherd … they improve a lot with special thermal blankets. In winter especially if the dogs live in cold areas, or very humid or mountain, when we do not want the dogs to get wet on their outings, we can use waterproof blankets that also protect the muscles and joints from the inclemencies of the weather.

In summary, if we have a small breed dog or a large breed with short hair, or an elderly animal in any of its breeds and sizes , we must shelter it in winter.


Ortocanis technical team

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Hip dysplasia Irresponsible breeders, feeding, environment?

Currently, with only three months of age it is possible to know the existence of small anomalies in the conformation of the hip/femur joint, which will lead to dysplasia.

Origin of hip dysplasia in dogs:

In colloquial language (today we avoid veterinary terms) hip dysplasia is a “failure” in the head joint of the femur-hip. If the head of the femur is not lodged in the hip perfectly, there is a deterioration of the cartilage that protects the joint, and that deterioration is degenerative and irreversible. But why does hip dysplasia occur?
Genetic inheritance. Hip dysplasia is inherited, and if breeders do not perform the necessary tests to know that their dogs are free (certified X-ray) and that previous generations too, puppies can suffer from it. Many breeders (and more particular) ignore these x-rays (eye, there is no breed safe from the disease). Hopefully they include a clause in the sales contract in which they will give you a puppy if you prove that the one you have bought has dysplasia (as if they were appliances).
Environmental factors. In the period of growth (until the year, but especially critical the first six months of life), slippery floors, sudden exercises, jumps … Puppies with a limit hip can aggravate their situation if care is not taken in these critical months, and vice versa, they will be able to lead a perfectly normal life if they develop correctly in these months (even if their hips are not perfect).
Feeding. The months in which dysplasia develops are those of growth, and the slower the puppy grows the better. Foods very high in protein have been linked to the onset of dysplasia. Chondroprodectors help during growth (in predisposed individuals or breeds, always under veterinary supervision).
About prevention in line with the above, if the breeder is responsible and has all the controls done we still can not sing victory. It is very important that the puppy has a good diet according to his growth needs, which does not get fat (the image we all have of a rolly puppy is typical, but not healthy), supported by chondroprotectors if necessary, that the exercise is restrained (avoiding strange movements, and especially jumps and forced postures of the back three), be careful with the floors of the house (if they are slippery it is not a bad idea to get some old carpets that last us a few months).

Some exercises and “tricks” are very demanding with the hip, and therefore dangerous in puppies and young dogs.

And the greatest prevention: radiography There are many puppies that can limp for causes that have nothing to do with dysplasia, and in the same way, there are asymptomatic with serious femur and hip problems. The plate is painless, economical, and the only truly reliable method. At present we can know the state of the hips of our puppy from as early as three months (PennHip method), so that conservative treatments can be established, or in the case of an intervention being necessary, which is not drastic but reconstructive, preserving the joint. Until the year of age it is not possible to ensure that the hip has had a perfect development and, therefore, it will not be until then when the dog can start in canine sports (“start” is to go little by little) performing more demanding exercises with his body.

Source: www.doogweb.es



Ortesis de codo para perros con higromas o callosThe five keys to having a healthy and happy dog at home and enjoy it

There are different aspects that are important when we have a dog as a pet at home. Having a healthy pet means not only having it in good health but also other aspects.

The care of the health of the pet, hygiene and a correct education of the dog are the three pillars of the good coexistence of dogs and people.

The health of the pet is an aspect of vital importance, a healthy dog can bring us problems but a sick dog or with a weak state of health will surely bring them to us.

Healthy Habits are essential to maintain the good health of our pets:

  • Routine veterinary visits and vaccinations
  • Regular physical activity

duc-i-ana-2If we complement it with a correct hygiene (also important for health) and a careful education of the dog important for the family-dog relationship, we will have a set of aspects that will greatly improve the relationship with our dog, its quality of life and that of the whole family.

The correct feeding:

Dogs must eat feed, many times we wonder if it would not be better for dogs to eat homemade food, or if they can live well with what is left over from a house, as it was done before. The answer is always the same, canine feed is a complete, balanced food, formulated by veterinary nutritionists who determine the needs of each dog according to their breed, age and physical activity and develop the most balanced and complete diet.

Canine feed, as long as we buy the type that best suits our animal, will be the best food we can give our pet. We must respect the measures recommended by the same brand or ask for help from our veterinarian, he will be the most suitable to explain the amount of feed you should eat and in cases where necessary if we can complement it with a special dietary supplement.

Routine visits and vaccinations:

Not only for our pet but also for everyone else in the neighborhood, even for our own safety and those of the people who live with us or our neighbors it is extremely important that we keep the dog’s vaccination card up to date.

Proper vaccination prevents diseases that can become very serious for our animals.


It is another important aspect, although sometimes forgotten about pets, hygiene not only means taking the dog clean, but taking care of its skin, its hooves, its mouth and therefore its breath, and that it has the appropriate place to relieve itself without staining and where we can pick them up and deposit them in the appropriate place.

Depending on the type of dog, the breed, its physical activity we must wash it more or less, and in certain breeds we must have special attention to specific points. For example, Cockers have a special tendency to make recurrent otitis, even chronic, this is because due to the position of their ears and their size, the ears breathe very little and it is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria and fungi; it is avoided with a simple spray every so often and a correct washing of the dog’s ears much more commonly than is necessary in other breeds.PastedGraphic-1

It is good to be informed of these aspects when we adopt or incorporate a new member into the family. You can consult in many forums specific to dog breeds, kennels, dog clubs and of course whenever you have doubts to the Veterinarian.

Physical activity:

It is the great forgotten in Spanish dogs, I feel envious when I see in American movies the dogs doing physical activity with their owners in Central Park …

Some privileged Spanish dogs go for a walk three or four times a day, but they go for a walk to relieve themselves and especially in winter these walks are limited almost exclusively to this activity. It’s not that it’s wrong to take the dog out to urinate or defecate, the problem is that too many dogs ONLY come out to urinate and defecate.

The walk should be an important part of the owner’s relationship with his animal, the dog should feel free, satisfied, happy with the walk and should serve for him to do physical activity. Therefore it is important that one or two of the walks that the dog takes throughout the day is much longer and the dog, especially if it is young, can run freely, jump, play with other dogs …


Another aspect in which, as a whole, although it hurts to recognize it, we have been a few years behind Western Europe and the United States in Spain, even with certain Latin American countries, is the education of our dogs.

Many times we complain that they do not let us enter hotels, restaurants, shops or cafes with our dog. It is true that we can oppose many problems if we look for a hotel where pets are accepted in certain Spanish cities. On the other hand, many of us have traveled to Holland, Belgium or of course the United Kingdom and have seen small dogs on planes, and larger dogs in Perro en silla de ruedascafes and restaurants. We have seen them but we have not heard them, nor have we smelled them nor have we noticed their presence until the owners of the animal have left the premises. The dog was missing the entire time he was in the restaurant. Nothing like the dogs that you can find in beach bars, which is one of the few places where they accept them, and not always, competing for the neighbor’s croquette or for the piece of ham that has fallen to the lady or for directly the grilled cuttlefish that have brought you and smell wonderful.

We must sing a collective mea culpa about the education of the Spanish canine cabin, to more and better education more and better respect and understanding on the part of people who do not have pets. A dog that does not bother anyone would not count anyone and few people oppose its presence. A dirty dog, with a foul breath when he throws it directly to the face of the neighbor’s baby who in his stroller filling it with drool and scaring the child is normal to provoke the upset reaction of the child’s parents.

Orthocanis Veterinary Team


Ayudas para perros con artrosis

Physical activity in older dogs


To begin with, we must make one aspect clear: “age is not a disease“… dogs of a certain age can and should do physical activity, yes, adapted to their possibilities.

The possibilities of each dog and its characteristics range from age, (of course a puppy is not the same as a 16-year-old dog), breed, sex … but also modifiable aspects such as physical condition, “dog humor”, traumatological, rheumatological or neurological pathologies, their general health condition (aspects related to internal medicine)…

Dogs must do physical activity all their lives, puppies must run, jump, play with other dogs, climb slopes, jump margins, adult dogs from 2 years old can practice canine sports or accompany their owner on bike rides, in the mountains or jogging with their owner …

In dogs of large breeds: German shepherds, golden, labrador … from the age of 9-10 we must begin to control their physical activity but in no case suppress it.Perros ancianos, viejos o con discapacidades físicas

If we have a good veterinarian it is advisable to do some control x-ray if we observe slight lameness or premature tiredness. Sometimes dogs stop at their marches or runs due to joint problems and we can confuse it with fatigue mistakenly attributing the renunciation of the long walk to physical fatigue and not to joint pain.

There are numerous technical aids and orthoses on the market, elbow, knee, shoulder, carpus, tarsus… that we can use in older dogs to improve their joint state and allow them to continue with their physical activity in a comfortable way.

It is advisable, then, if we observe a “downturn” in the “sports performance” of the dog or in its physical activity to go to the veterinarian and not associate it directly with the age since many things can be done to improve this joint state and adapt the physical activity which will contribute to the improvement of its general health and its mood in particular.

Toni Ramon


Cold weather and osteoarthritis in the dog

Osteoarthritis is a very common degenerative disease of the joints in dogs. Osteoarthritis causes pain, decreased joint range of motion, and joint inflammation.

The cold weather and especially the humidity, can increase the symptoms of this pathology, in autumn and winter is when dogs with osteoarthritis suffer the most.

Two types of osteoarthritis are distinguished, primary and secondary. The primary ones are degenerative, can affect more than one joint and are due to age and the “wear” of the joint. They are the typical osteoarthritis of the knee, carpus, tarsus and even spine that the elderly human population also suffers. Secondary osteoarthritis is due to joint misalignment that has prematurely worn down the articular cartilage. These occur after a fracture, especially if it has affected the joint, due to a bad joint disposition (demarcation): bad aplombs, or in the most common house secondary to hip dysplasia.


Photo: different joint protectors for dogs

Both in one case and in the other several things are recommended:

  • Strict control of the diet: the dog must be at its ideal weight, if it is overweight the joints suffer very significantly this excess.
  • Anti-inflammatory medication, now recommended NSAIDs cox-2 are new generation nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with far fewer side effects and more direct action on areas of pain.
  • Joint protectors: glycosaminoglycans, chondroitin sulfate…
  • Regular physical exercise: it is very important not to lose too much muscle mass, dogs with osteoarthritis usually weaken the muscles due to lack of use, this weakening and muscle atrophy worsens the picture
  • Sleep in padded beds, insulated from moisture and warm.
  • Joint protectors: supports to respect joint function.
  • Avoid exposure to cold and sudden changes in temperature: blankets to protect them from the cold and humidity can help us.

There are specific products to protect and support the joints of our animals, both for the protection of the tarsus and for the carpus.

You can also find blankets or coats for dogs that reflect the heat of the same animal and help in cases of osteoarthritis of the spine and hip. And special mattresses for the relief of the ailments of osteoarthritis in the dog. In the morning when the affected joint is cold and the animal has not moved for a long time, the symptoms will be more evident.

Back on Track products are made in Sweden and are made with so-called “smart textiles” or new generation unique textiles that have been developed on the basis of knowledge of ancient Chinese medicine along with the most modern research, as for the techniques applied to the textile industry, supported with scientific studies. The resulting product has been a fabric formed by an optimal fusion of polyester/polypropylene and ceramic particles.

Ceramics reflect body heat by restoring it in the form of infrared radiation. It is well known that infrared light has a calming effect as mild heat reduces inflammation, decreases muscle tension and improves blood circulation. The muscles in tension relax and the process of muscle recovery is accelerated, tendons, ligaments and joints injured and sore.

Photo: Thermal coat, protects from cold and humidity conserving the heat of the animal itself.

The essential function of tissue with ceramic particles is to prevent damage, as well as relieve and accelerate the process of recovery from injuries but it is also used to warm the muscles before exercise or physical work, thus eliminating the risks of pulls and fibrillar tears.

These products: Increase blood circulation, accelerate recovery from injuries, reduce inflammation, reduce muscle tension and relieve pain.

Incidence of hip dysplasia in dogs

In a study by the Orthopaedic Foundation of Animals OFA, which is the one that analyzes the largest number of cases, we can conclude with some criteria that dog breeds are more predisposed to suffer from hip dysplasia.

soporte para perro con displasia de caderaThe study shows a summary of the main breeds. The study has been extended over time from 1974 to 2010 with a minimum of 100 cases per breed analyzing up to 147 different breeds.

It is worth mentioning the English Bull Dog and the Carlino as the dogs with the highest percentage of dysplasia have together with the Bordeaux Dog exceed 50% very close are the Neapolitan Mastiff and the San Bernardo. On the opposite side are the greyhound with virtually no known cases of dysplasia.

Bull dog 72.6%

Carlino 64,3 %

Doge of Bordeaux 56,3 %

Neapolitan Mastiff 48.1%

San Bernardo 46.7%

Dog Argentino 41.0%

Basset 37.8%

Presa Canario 33.3%

American Bull Dog 33.0%

French Bull Dog 31.3%

American Stafforshire 26.0%

Bullmastiff 24.4%

Pit Bull 23.6%

German Shepherd 22.4%

Rottweiler 20.3%

Golden Retriever 19.8%

Chow Chow 19.5%

Mastiff 19.4%

English Shepherd 18.6%

Giant Schnauzer 18.0%

Beagle 18.0%

English Setter 16.3%

Bernese Bouvier 16.1%

Akita 12.9%

Poodle 12.2%

West Highland 12.1%

Great Dane 12.0%

Labrador Retriever 11.9%

Alaskan Malamute 11.5%

Samoyed 11.1%

Boxer 11.0%

Border Collie 10.9%

Pyrenees Mountain 9.2%

Schznauzer 8.6%

Pointer 8.1%

Bull Terrier 6.7%

Cocker Spaniel 6.5%

Rodesian 5.1%

Dalmatian 4.6%

Greyhound 2.1%

Siberian Husky 2.0%

Whippet 1.4%

Italian Greyhound 0.0%


Information extracted by Ortocanis from the OFA study on the incidence of hip dysplasia in different dog breeds

You can see all the data of the study in the following table:

Race Posic. Number of evaluations Excellent percentage Dysplasia percentage
BULLDOG 1 506 0.2 72.1
PUG 2 441 0.0 66.0
DOGUE OF BORDEAUX 3 406 1.0 56.7
OTTERHOUND 4 374 0.3 51.1
BOERBOEL 5 110 4.5 48.2
ST. BERNARD 7 2112 4.1 46.8
CLUMBER SPANIEL 8 864 3.0 44.8
SUSSEX SPANIEL 10 258 1.6 41.5
ARGENTINE DOGO 11 193 3.1 40.9
CANE CORSO 12 687 6.7 40.0
BASSET HOUND 13 198 0.0 37.4
BOYKIN SPANIEL 14 2890 2.1 33.7
CANARY PREY DOG 15 180 3.9 33.3
NORFOLK TERRIER 16 274 0.0 33.2
AMERICAN BULLDOG 17 1733 4.9 33.2
GLEN OF IMAAL TERRIER 18 145 0.7 31.0
FRENCH BULLDOG 19 931 1.3 30.4
FILA BRASILEIRO 20 598 7.5 29.9
BLOODHOUND 22 2768 2.8 25.7
NEWFOUNDLAND 23 14688 8.3 25.2
BULLMASTIFF 24 5369 3.9 24.4
MAINE COON CAT 25 1073 4.2 24.3
ESPAÑOL SHEPHERD 28 322 10.6 22.0
ROTTWEILER 30 92235 8.3 20.3
CARDIGAN WELSH CORGI 31 1759 3.2 19.7
GOLDEN RETRIEVER 32 130304 4.1 19.7
NORWEGIAN ELKHOUND 33 3756 7.2 19.6
CHOW CHOW 34 5218 7.2 19.5
PYRENEAN SHEPHERD 35 108 2.8 19.4
MASTIFF 36 10505 7.9 19.3
SHIH TZU 37 615 2.0 19.3
GORDON SETTER 38 5947 8.8 19.3
HYBRID 39 1172 8.3 19.3
GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG 40 102750 3.9 19.0
PEMBROKE WELSH CORGI 42 10636 3.2 18.6
OLD ENGLISH SHEEPDOG 43 10515 11.7 18.5
KUVASZ 44 1713 13.7 18.1
CHINOOK 45 581 9.3 18.1
FIELD SPANIEL 46 964 8.2 18.0
SHILOH SHEPHERD 47 701 9.0 18.0
BEAGLE 48 855 2.6 18.0
GIANT SCHNAUZER 49 4266 9.7 17.9
EPAGNEUL BRETON 51 121 1.7 17.4
WELSH TERRIER 52 104 5.8 17.3
ICELANDIC SHEEPDOG 53 197 11.7 16.8
ESPAÑOL SETTER 54 10145 10.4 16.1
ENTLEBUCHER 55 293 4.4 16.0
BERNESE MOUNTAIN DOG 56 16544 13.6 15.9
AUSTRALIAN CATTLE DOG 57 3334 4.4 15.6
ITALIAN SPINONE 58 1120 18.0 15.5
LABRADOODLE 59 149 9.4 15.4
AFFENPINSCHER 62 274 4.0 15.3
BOUVIER DES FLANDRES 63 7959 6.1 15.0
BRITTANY 64 17673 8.7 14.6
BLACK AND TAN COONHOUND 65 678 10.3 14.5
BRIARD 66 2338 13.2 14.2
HARRIER 67 318 9.1 14.2
LEONBERGER 68 1574 20.2 14.0
TIBETAN MASTIFF 69 862 7.5 13.9
BEAUCERON 70 349 14.3 13.8
HAVANA SILK DOG 71 183 2.2 13.7
NORWICH TERRIER 72 693 7.1 13.4
CHINESE SHAR-PEI 73 9470 9.1 13.3
PORTUGUESE WATER DOG 75 7468 14.0 12.8
AKITA 76 15949 18.9 12.8
PUDELPOINTER 77 390 14.9 12.6
FINNISH LAPPHUND 78 144 11.1 12.5
KOMONDOR 80 960 12.2 12.2
POODLE 81 21881 11.7 12.2
BOSTON TERRIER 83 182 6.0 12.1
GREAT DANE 84 12071 11.6 12.0
IRISH SETTER 85 11075 9.1 12.0
IRISH WATER SPANIEL 86 1250 17.3 11.9
LABRADOR RETRIEVER 87 221077 18.1 11.8
SMOOTH FOX TERRIER 88 317 8.8 11.7
WELSH SPRINGER SPANIEL 89 1893 15.2 11.7
AIREDALE TERRIER 90 5757 7.3 11.5
ALASKAN MALAMUTE 91 13605 16.8 11.4
SAMOYED 93 15590 10.4 11.0
BOXER 94 5221 3.4 10.9
WIREHAIRED VIZSLA 95 101 10.9 10.9
BORDER COLLIE 96 10353 12.9 10.8
ANATOLIAN SHEPHERD 97 1714 18.1 10.3
PULI 98 1717 16.3 10.1
HAVANESE 99 2776 9.1 10.0
SMALL MUNSTERLANDER 100 134 12.7 9.7
AKBASH DOG 101 537 23.8 9.7
AMERICAN ESKIMO DOG 102 990 8.6 9.3
AUSTRALIAN KELPIE 103 119 9.2 9.2
GREAT PYRENEES 104 5749 14.0 9.2
COTON DE TULEAR 105 640 9.2 9.2
NORWEGIAN BUHUND 107 176 8.0 9.1
SWEDISH VALLHUND 109 185 5.9 8.6
WEIMARANER 110 11733 21.1 8.5
STANDARD SCHNAUZER 111 4073 8.1 8.5
TIBETAN SPANIEL 112 319 6.6 8.2
POINTER 113 1501 13.7 8.1
FRENCH SPANIEL 115 167 18.6 7.8
VIZSLA 117 13032 16.5 7.1
BICHON FRISE 118 3364 11.4 6.9
DUTCH SHEPHERD 119 190 18.4 6.8
BULL TERRIER 120 105 11.4 6.7
COCKER SPANIEL 122 12575 10.8 6.4
LHASA APSO 123 812 14.5 6.4
KEESHOND 124 4537 9.1 6.3
DOBERMAN PINSCHER 125 14922 17.9 6.1
HOVAWART 126 131 22.9 6.1
BEARDED COLLIE 127 4356 16.3 6.1
FINNISH SPITZ 128 321 16.8 5.9
SCHIPPERKE 129 426 10.3 5.9
TIBETAN TERRIER 130 3836 30.6 5.8
AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERD 131 30510 16.4 5.8
AFGHAN HOUND 132 6593 29.7 5.7
KERRY BLUE TERRIER 133 1502 13.2 5.7
SHIBA INU 134 2892 18.4 5.6
ESPAÑOL COCKER SPANIEL 135 6681 18.7 5.6
BELGIAN MALINOIS 136 2480 18.4 5.4
IRISH WOLFHOUND 138 1695 26.7 5.0
RHODESIAN RIDGEBACK 139 10672 21.8 5.0
SHETLAND SHEEPDOG 141 19079 27.5 4.6
DALMATIAN 142 3273 10.5 4.5
FLAT-COATED RETRIEVER 143 5242 19.5 4.2
IRISH RED & WHITE SETTER 145 197 29.4 4.1
BORDER TERRIER 146 2453 20.4 3.8
BELGIAN TERVUREN 148 5664 25.9 3.5
BASENJI 149 2448 23.1 3.4
RAT TERRIER 150 421 14.0 3.3
BELGIAN SHEEPDOG 151 3886 32.7 2.9
COLLIE 152 2825 29.9 2.8
IBIZAN HOUND 153 322 35.7 2.8
PHARAOH HOUND 154 444 15.5 2.7
AUSTRALIAN TERRIER 155 179 5.6 2.2
CANAAN 156 423 17.3 2.1
GREYHOUND 157 343 35.6 2.0
SIBERIAN HUSKY 158 16915 33.7 2.0
BORZOI 160 846 31.0 1.8
SALUKI 161 261 42.5 1.5
WHIPPET 162 154 38.3 1.3
GERMAN PINSCHER 163 331 21.8 1.2
ITALIAN GREYHOUND 164 211 59.2 0.0



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Ortocanis wants Oscar’s Law!

The main mission of the Ortocanis project is to put an end to practices that consider animals as simple objects. We are happy when we find initiatives that help this same purpose, such as Oscar’s Law .

What is Oscar’s Law?

Oscar’s Law (Oscar’s law) is a famous campaign launched in Australia that urges the government to ban puppy farms in the country and has already been joined by important personalities. They are against dog breeders and promote the adoption of pets in kennels and shelters.

Who is Oscar?

Oscar is one of the dogs rescued by Debra Tanter, founder of the movement, in January 2010. It was used as a breeding machine on a puppy farm in Victoria, Australia. Oscar’s condition when he was rescued was pitiful, requiring urgent veterinary care. Among other treatments, he had to be shaved to clean his hair, cure a terrible ear infection, treat diseased gums and extract some rotten teeth.

Once washed and shaved, it was found that he was so malnourished that his skin looked like paper and his weight was well below normal.

Days later, recovered from his operations, the authorities returned Oscar to the same farm owners who had not taken care of him without penalizing them for the negligent treatment they were offering to the dogs.

On July 9, 2011, 18 months after returning him to the puppy farm, Oscar was rescued again. His recovery was gradual given the physical and psychological trauma he had suffered for 5 long years.

Oscar is safe now, but there are still thousands of “Oscars” hiding out there on puppy farms, treated like breeding machines to supply the market, and they need you to be their voice.

Spain is the country with the highest dropout rate in Europe. We hope that many initiatives like this will emerge, which in the long run could be the solution for many abandoned dogs.



how to know if the dog is cold

If you live in places where the temperature drops suddenly and the cold makes you wear gloves, hats and thick jackets, playing, walking and exercising outside the home can be very hard activities for your dog. Dogs have a layer of hair and fat on their skin that serves to protect them from the cold, but sometimes this natural coat may be insufficient, especially in the case of puppies, dogs in the Senior stage or breeds with a very small complexion and/or with little hair on the body like the Xoloitzcuintli, Chihuahua, Chinese Crested and others.como saber si el perro tiene frio

It is vital to monitor the physical condition of our dogs and learn to detect if they are cold or not. You must be very attentive when the temperature drops so that you can prevent muscle injuries, numbness or early hypothermia.

Here are some symptoms:

  • Tremors.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Slow breathing.
  • Muscle stiffness or slow and clumsy mobility.
  • Dry skin.

If your dog shows any of these symptoms while away from home, it is imperative that you take him to a warm place and cover him with a blanket. If you have noticed that he has a numb part, give him a gentle massage to help him warm up and regulate the circulation of the body. If the symptoms persist and the tremors worsen, it is necessary to take him to the vet immediately, as it could be something serious.

If you live in cold places, try to keep the house warm. Remember that electric heaters and fireplaces should be well away from your dog, as both could be dangerous.
It would be advisable to use them only when the temperature has really dropped and you have proper ventilation inside the house.

For our dog in stage: Puppy
If you are getting him used to sleeping in the garden and he is less than 11 months old, it is recommended that you give him access to the interior of the home. There you can provide him with the necessary protection according to his metabolism. Puppies are much more sensitive and do not have such good defenses. They need a safe and warm space. If he is older than 11 months, his sleeping space could be away from home, but as long as he has a very well implemented carrier, kennel or house with blankets and away from wind currents.

For our dog in stage: Adult
If you sleep in the garden or patio, you should have a carrier, kennel or house very well implemented with blankets and away from wind currents. This way you will feel safe and you will not be cold.

For our dog in stage: Senior
During this stage it is essential that you have your space inside the house. A place without drafts or cold ground. Remember that you can also use a carrier, kennel or a special chair for him. At his age he will know that there he will obtain calm, rest and shelter at any time and in cold seasons.

That is why with the arrival of winter it is important to bear in mind that our dogs need a series of special cares that are different from those of the rest of the year. Do not forget to consult with your veterinarian the characteristics that your dog has to withstand different climates.


Source: cutemininos.com

A disabled dog or cat can cope more than well with a wheelchair. It gives you back mobility and you can regain your autonomy and physical form. See how to make a wheelchair by following the steps of this video.

Go get a pencil and take note!

Silla de ruedas para perros y gatos

On summer days, their wet tongue cools them down as much as it does our sweaty armpits . But luckily for the dogs, their tongues don’t actually sweat.

Animals with little hair on their bodies – such as humans, horses and some species of monkeys – cool down when sweat evaporates from their skin. For species with long hair, such as dogs, sweating would be like putting on a sodden coat. For this reason, dogs stick out their tongues and pant to cool down .

Perros inválidos sudan por la lengua

It takes energy, in the form of body heat, to evaporate fluid from the surface of the skin or tongue, explains Jack Boulant, a thermal physiologist at The Ohio State University , when heat evaporates moisture from the surface, the low body temperature .

After a few years, scientists have discovered that dogs’ internal thermostat, the thermoregulatory system, reacts to heat by pumping warm blood to the tongue, opening the salivary glands, and causing rapid, shallow breathing . As the warm air flows down the windpipe and tongue, it helps to evaporate moisture, which removes heat from the dog’s blood.

In addition to lowering body temperature, this process helps cool the brain . The blood circulates through the nose and tongue and reaches the brain cooler, which keeps the organ that regulates heat at a lower temperature than the rest of the body. The cooling system also works for short-nosed breeds, such as the Pekingese, which has a smaller muzzle and narrower air passages.

Any other refrigeration system in the animal world?

In fact, dogs aren’t the only animals that use clever tricks to cool off. The rats lick their bellies. Kangaroos, when resting, blow and lick their bodies, and jumping makes them stop sweating. And this may not sound very good, but storks relieve the heat by defecating on their long legs.

