Improving the muscles of the hind limbs in dogs is an interesting option both in dogs that are being rehabilitated from problems in the hind limbs and in dogs that are initially healthy, but that have weakness in the hind limbs.

The first thing we have to do is evaluate the patient. Observe the muscle mass of the posterior ones, palpate this musculature, look if apart from muscle atrophy there is tension or flaccidity.

If we observe muscle tension it will be convenient to start the rehabilitation by unloading the muscles, with massage, with TENS, with heat … on the other hand, if we observe weakness and flaccidity, we must begin rehabilitation with Electrostimulation or light muscle toning exercises.

Walks is the easiest way to start a rehabilitation, it should always be pain-free, if the dog has pain you should go to the veterinarian and take the necessary pharmacological measures to resolve the situation, a TENS can also be very useful to eliminate pain during walks.

Another important point is the way the dog walks, if it mainly uses the forelimbs to perform its gait this exercise will not bring us practically any improvement in the strength of the posterior ones.

arnes-de-soporte-para-perroIt is important to get the dog to work with the hind legs, this can be achieved by walking on the short leash and indicating to the dog that he must carry weight in the posterior ones, it will be practically impossible if the dog has pain in the hips, knees or some other structure of the posterior third.

Squats (making the dog sit up and get up a few repetitions in a row) is going to be another of the exercises we will use; we must reserve this exercise for when the dog does not have pain in the subsequent ones and his muscle mass is enough to withstand this exercise or failing that we can help ourselves with a harness for later to help lift the dog.

Working in the water with the underwater treadmill is one of the best exercises since they strengthen the muscles protecting the joints. The sloping walks is another of the exercises that we must practice, the inclination of the slope will force more the posterior third and the dog will work more and increase the muscular power of the posterior third. This can be done both on a climb and on a rolling tapestry with inclination.

soporte para perro con displasia de cadera

In the later phases of treatment weights can be used for muscle strengthening in dogs.

There are several solutions that can help us to be able to perform these exercises better, that the dog feels better and can correctly perform these exercises thus increasing the strength in the posterior third such as the knee pads, tarsus supports, hip support, or boots or foot protectors in case of having problems in the plantar area.

Orthocanis technical team.

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Hip dysplasia in dogs is one of their most common inherited bone diseases. It is not a congenital disease, and there are also no signs that the animal suffers from it when it is born. It develops as the dog grows, and it is not often that it appears in its first three months of life. It is from the fourth or fifth when it begins to make its appearance.

It is a degenerative condition and is caused by a malformation in the joint that joins the hip and head of the femur. It is usually painful and can cause lameness, as well as problems getting the animal to feel properly. As the disease progresses, the dog will move with more difficulty. It will cost you more and more, for example, to climb stairs. In more severe cases, you will even stop running or even walking.

This disease, more frequent in medium or large breeds, can be enhanced by factors such as overweight. It will also be more accentuated if the affected dog gets a lot of exercise. Fortunately, there are several solutions to correct hip dysplasia in dogs. In general, they will vary depending on the severity of the disease when it is diagnosed.

The most common solutions to hip dysplasia in dogs

As we have mentioned, the treatment of the affected animal should be based on the severity of the dysplasia. There are two types: those that try to prevent the disease from progressing and try not to go any further and surgical. The latter are more radical, and more indicated in severe cases.

soporte para perro con displasia de caderaTreatments of the first type, considered conservative, involve administering specific drugs for the progression of osteoarthritis, called chondroprotectors, to the dog. This treatment is long-lasting, and is designed to slow down its progress. In addition, it can be supplemented with anti-inflammatories, analgesics and with a hip support.

The use of a hip support not only makes the dog affected by the disease less discomfort. You will also have less pain, which makes it possible to lower your dose of anti-inflammatories. To this also contributes the monitoring of the diet of the animal, to prevent it from gaining weight.

In more severe cases, or when the veterinarian decides that it is the most appropriate, it is advisable to opt for a surgical solution

Curative treatments for hip dysplasia in dogs

All treatments aimed at curing hip dysplasia in dogs go through the operating room. Of course, they can also be palliative.

Among the curative ones are the triple osteotomy of the pelvis, which consists of its relocation and the replacement of the hip by a prosthesis. This last procedure is similar to that carried out in humans. But, as we have said, there are also palliatives, such as the substitution by exccession of the head of the femur.

Dogs that suffer a severe case of hip dysplasia and cannot walk, or those that are recovering from an operation, can use a wheelchair created especially for this type of case. These are devices that can be made to measure in a few days, or supports adjustable to the dimensions of the animal.

With them, dogs with this disease will be able not only to move, but to use them as an aid to recover mobility and muscle tone.

Ortocanis Editor Team

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There is talk of patellar dislocation in dogs, when the patella, a small bone located in front of the knee joint and whose correct position is necessary for a good functioning of the animal’s limb, gets out of its place, trochlea, causing functional pain and weakness in the dog.

Within the dislocations, the medial dislocation is the most frequent. It arises in 80% of cases while the lateral only occurs in 20%. Between 30% and 50% of cases are bilateral and more frequent in females than in males, especially small breeds and toys.protector-rodilla-canina-perro articulada

Lateral dislocations can occur in adult small breeds and in large and giant breed puppies.

It is a pathology that is characterized by a poor alignment of the limb, deformations occur during the development of the animal, which cause the patella to come out of its place. It may be due to a congenital disease or, in some cases, caused by trauma.

It is convenient that dogs suffering from this congenital pathology are not used in reproduction since it is transmitted through generations.

There are dogs that have patella luxation due to trauma. In these cases, the dislocation is generally associated with a rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament of the knee.

Depending on the clinical signs and later on the radiological results, dislocations can be classified into 4 degrees:

patellar lux_fGrade I – Intermittent patellar dislocation causing limb lameness when out of place. In the dynamic test, every three or four steps they raise their leg by flexing the knee or they take a little jump.

Grade II – Dislocation that occurs more frequently than Grade I. The patella dislocates easily. There is a slight external rotation of the leg. Many dogs live with this grade for years before progressive arthritis manifests as lameness or more serious causes.

Grade III and IV – The patella is permanently dislocated, with very noticeable external rotation of the leg. There is moderate lameness. If it is bilateral, dogs walk with bowed legs, turning the feet inward and bearing weight on the forelimbs. In the most severe cases, it can be confused with hip problems.

In addition, the animal presents pain, crepitus and increased sensitivity in the knee, which leads to it reducing its activity, even refusing to go up and down stairs, the car or the sofa.

Treatment depends on the degree of dislocation and lameness, but in most cases surgical treatment consisting of soft tissue repair, bone reconstruction, or a combination of the two is required. There are infinite techniques and the orthopedic veterinarian chooses the most suitable one(s) in each case.

luxación de rótula

Among the most used techniques we find: Overlay of the medial or lateral retinaculum, overlay of the fascia lata, anti-rotational suture of the patellar and tibial ligaments, desmotomy/capsulectomy, quadriceps release, trochleoplasty (trochlear chondroplasty, sulcoplasty resection, trochlear sulcoplasty), transposition of the tibial tuberosity, patellectomy, osteotomy…

As a novelty, orthoses are being applied for knee dislocation as a means of conservative orthopedic treatment that allows the patella to be kept within the femoral condyles and avoid pain and instability. These orthoses are made to measure and are very useful in cases where surgery has failed, you cannot or do not want to operate for different reasons.

Marta Subirats & Toni Ramon

animal physiotherapists

Ortocanis technical team

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Injuries can happen anywhere and at any time. The more active you are, the higher the chances of getting injured.

It is especially true when it comes to dogs. Dogs are naturally active animals and need to run around and get plenty of exercise. Not only running, but they also love to jump indoors and outdoors.

Their nature makes them do this many times without being cautious. It makes dogs more prone to injuries, even as serious as fractures and broken bones.

Using a cast is a popular method of healing an injury such as a fracture. This article explains important facts about using cast for dogs.

What Is Casting

 A cast is a type of hard bandage that wraps around limbs that have been fractured or injured in some form. Dogs are very active animals that run and jump around almost daily. So, they are at high risk of injuring themselves and fracturing their bones

Accidents, falls, and trauma can lead to injuries that require a cast on a dog. Limbs are the most common area that gets fractured in dogs and require casting. 

Sometimes, a cast doesn’t prove to be sufficient for healing. In severe falls, and traumatic accidents, dogs could even break a leg. It could even lead to the requirement of surgery.

Important Facts About Using Cast For Dogs

Casts lie in close contact with the dog’s skin and are a method used to treat external immobilization. It consists of several layers of plaster and padding.

Materials used in a cast include fiberglass, polyurethane-impregnated cotton-polyester, or thermoplastics. 

Some fractures in dogs are generally visible right away. So you can take your dog to the vet for casting.

Other fractures are not as obvious and may be missed for a few days until you see your dog limping. 

A vet needs to examine the injury using an x-ray to determine if a casting is sufficient or if it requires surgery.

Depending on the severity of the break, your vet may require plates or pins to keep the bones in place. Once the plates are in place and immobilized, the bones will heal around the steel parts. Your vet may recommend a cast to keep the bones immobilized.

If your dog’s injury is more severe and requires surgery, the vet might use anesthesia to reset the bones.

Casting Procedure

Casting is done using an aseptic technique, which means the method is designed to prevent microorganism contamination. Therefore, your dog could even be anesthetized, and the affected area may be shaved before the procedure.

Here is the step-by-step procedure followed for casting on a foreleg fracture.

  1. Place the dog in a side-lying (lateral recumbency) position with the injured extremity facing down.
  2. Apply tape to the ventral and dorsal areas of the foot while a stirrup is created. At this point, the dog’s leg should be elevated to provide support while performing the casting procedure.
  3. Sometimes, the application of a stockinette bandage may be required.
  4. Apply several layers of padding to the elevated leg. The padding consists of layers that are wound tightly around the leg. 
  5. Roll out several layers of cast material around the leg, from distal to proximal limb aspects, overlapping itself on each encirclement.
  6. Place wet plaster atop the casting material to get the shape of the leg.
  7. Turn the visible padding at both ends downwards, and tape over the stirrup.
  8. The plaster will take several hours to dry, so the dog may have to stay overnight at the hospital.

Efficacy Of Casting In Dogs


Casting done by a professional such as a vet will permanently fix the affected skeleton. Casting effectively treats most fractures in dogs, except for a few serious ones that require surgery.

An injury with a cast will heal 97% of the time without complications.

A vet will try his best to treat injuries by putting on a cast. However, if it’s unable to do so, a vet has no choice but to go for surgery. It’s usually the case when there are severe breaks in multiple locations.

A cast is put on the affected area for full immobilization. A dog needs adequate rest to recover with minimal effect and gain full mobility soon.

Casting Recovery In Dogs


Your dog might have to stay overnight at the hospital after the initial cast setting based on the vet’s recommendation. 

You must take good care of your dog when recovering at home. Your dog needs to rest and not put too much weight and pressure on the affected limbs.

The vet will provide drug therapy consisting of pain medications to give your dog while recovering at home. Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs may also be prescribed in case of secondary damage like swelling or infection due to injury.

At-home care accounts for about 50% of the recovery. Depending on the location and severity of the injury, it could take anywhere between five to twelve weeks for a full recovery.

You may have to take your dog to check and change the outer bandages during recovery. Your vet will inspect the injury to see if it’s healing well.

Your vet needs to recheck your dog’s injury after recovery with additional x-rays to ensure that it has completely healed. 

Casting Cost


The casting cost depends on factors such as the injury’s type, severity, and location. It also varies based on whether there is emergency care or specialized surgical care.

A simple cast would cost under $400. However, if the injury involves surgery, it could cost several thousand dollars.

The national average of casting varies between $1000 and $5000. It depends on the specialization of the vet and follow-up care procedures.

Going to the vet may cost approximately $50 per visit. X-rays and tests will cost between $50 – $200 per visit. In addition, medication and other follow-up care requirements will cost upto $100.

Casting Considerations


Once casting is done, your dog’s recovery depends on how well you take care of it. You need to give it the medication as advised by the vet.

The risk of using a cast is higher at home than at the vet. Because your dog will be spending more time recovering at home, your care is of utmost importance.

While at the vet, you need to consider his advice regarding alternatives to surgery, like using steel pins or plates. However, surgery may sometimes be unavoidable, so you’ll have to go with what your vet recommends.

There is also a method that does bone reset using a bandage cast. You can discuss all of these alternatives in detail with your vet.

Once the procedure is done, you must take good care of your dog at home. Improper care can pose a risk in the following ways.

  • Infection
  • Loss of circulation
  • Necrotic tissues
  • Delayed healing time

If everything is fine, your dog should heal well within several weeks with minimal aches and pains in the affected area.

How To Take Care Of A Dog In A Cast

Taking good care of your dog is essential during recovery. An essential fact to note is never to let a cast or bandage get wet. A cast could get wet from water bowls, wet grass, urine, and saliva.

A wet cast could cause problems when bacteria begin to multiply on it. You can cover it with a plastic bag to prevent it from getting wet when your dog goes out. However, don’t keep it for longer than 30 minutes.

If the plaster gets wet, you can dry it using a hair dryer. Be sure not to overheat the skins beneath the cast. If it’s too wet, you must return and get a new dressing done.

Always touch and feel the toes daily to check for warmth and dryness. Do this when your dog is occupied with something.

Your dog should respond when you squeeze its toes. If your dog is unresponsive, it’s a cause for concern, and you need to take it to the vet.

Place a sock over the cast to prevent your dog from licking the area. Your dog will not lick the cast when there is a sock on it. Ensure it’s a cover that allows the dressing to ‘breathe.’ Avoid using plastic or waterproof materials.

Watch for any irritations on top of the dressing. Sometimes sticky plasters and the dressing rubbing could cause allergic reactions, which you must address with the vet.

Ensure to take your pet for dressing changes as required.

Casting Prevention In Dogs


Preventing injuries requires you to watch your dog at all possible times. Dogs can jump or fall and get injured both indoors and outdoors. So it’s important to be on alert at all times.

Make a note of areas with stairs, as there is a high risk of your dog falling up. Fence your yard to ensure your dog doesn’t run onto the road without your knowledge. Road accidents are also a common reason for an injury that requires putting on a cast.

Stay alert when you take your dog outdoors for a walk or on an adventure like hiking, especially if it’s a stubborn one. Make sure you use a training collar for stubborn dogs to control your dog and prevent them from doing something that would cause an injury.



Keep these important facts on casting for dogs to ensure a speedy and complete recovery. Prevention is better than cure, so always keep an eye on your dog to prevent injuries that require using a cast for healing.

Finally, take good care of your dog while in recovery to ensure that it has minimal pain and that the affected area is fully-healed.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Long Should A Dog Wear A Cast?

A dog should wear a cast for five to twelve weeks, depending on the severity and nature of the fracture.

Can A Dog Walk With A Cast?

Walking is fine as long as your dog doesn’t run or walk very fast. Ensure to keep the casting clean at all times, especially when it goes outdoors.

Can A Dog Fully Recover From A Broken Leg?

Yes. A dog can take up to twelve weeks to fully recover from a broken leg.

Dog braces


If your dog is recovering from an illness that requires a bandage, splint or sling, proper care is essential for his recovery. Complications are much more likely to occur in dogs that do not receive proper care and supervision.

Cuidar el vendaje de un perro

Splints , slings, and bandages can cause serious problems for your dog if:

  • they hurt you
  • slip with them
  • they twist
  • They stay for a long time
  • they get wet

Splints, slings, and bandages must be kept dry and clean at all times. If they get damp, wet or dirty, it is necessary to remedy this as soon as possible.

When the animal goes outdoors, a temporary waterproof coating may be applied to the bandage , sling, or splint to keep it dry. The cover should be used for short periods only (no more than 60 minutes at a time) and should be removed immediately upon returning home.

If the cover is left on for more than 60 minutes, moisture can accumulate inside the liner, causing the bandage to become soggy.

It is generally recommended that dogs remain indoors as much as possible while they are bandaged and rehabilitating. A wet bandage can quickly cause a skin infection. Change the bandage as soon as possible.

Check the toes and the tissue at the bottom of the bandage or splint at least once a day. If you notice any swelling the bandage may be too tight or shifted and needs to be checked out by a vet right away and probably replaced. In bandages or splints the swelling may appear as an extension apart from the toes. Compare with the other foot to detect differences.

If the bandage or splint appears to have slipped or twisted, smells bad, or has been damaged by chewing, your dog needs a new one.

You should monitor the skin near the edges of the bandage, sling, or splint for chafing, redness, or rashes. If any of these problems appear, take your dog to the vet as soon as possible.

Activity restriction is usually an important part of the healing process, as long as you have a bandage. Significantly restrict the dog’s activity unless your vet tells you otherwise. This includes keeping your dog on a leash on outings, if he is too active the bandage may lose its function.

Prevent slippery floors while leg, foot, back, hip, neck or shoulder bandages are in use.
It is in the animal’s best interest to avoid playing with other dogs or children during rehabilitation.
It is imperative to work closely with your vet during this period. Complications are much more likely to occur in pets that are not carefully watched.

Check bandages usually every 48 hours, from when they are placed. Check splints and slings every 1-2 days, depending on the needs of the patient.


Use medications according to medical prescriptions.
Be sure to follow all activity restriction instructions from your veterinarian.
Watch carefully for any splint, sling, bandage, or post-surgical instructions (these can be the difference between a successful recovery and more problems).
Monitor your dog carefully and perform check-ups as directed by your veterinarian.


Although they are much less visible than ours, dogs also have knees. And like us, they also experience pain and suffer injuries to them frequently. In case you’re not familiar, let’s talk about the most common knee problems.

Problemas de rodillas más comunes

The most common knee problems

The causes for knee problems can be several. For example, an injury or a condition of these. The difficulty in identifying them is that when walking on all fours, suffering from lameness in one of them does not prevent you from continuing to advance.

It is for this reason that we must regularly pay attention to our dog. Detecting pathologies quickly will help us to treat them and prevent the damage from going further, producing irreparable injuries.

The knee problems that most commonly appear in dogs are ruptures of the cruciate ligaments and dislocation in the patella. In small breeds the latter usually occurs, while ligament injuries appear more in large ones, especially if they are overweight.

Other knee problems that may also appear are injuries to the meniscus or tears in the ligament. These can be found in dogs of any size, since they are often due to blows or sudden movements. The knee joint is quite unstable compared to other parts of the body.

Symptoms of knee problems

Each dog may show a different symptomatology, but broadly speaking, the most common are those detailed below:

  • Advances with the leg raised and is not able to support it and carry weight

  • Limp with the leg that is affected

  • Sudden onset of pain while playing or exercising

  • Swelling in the knee

If we observe that our dog seems to have knee problems, it is advisable to go to the veterinarian to make a complete diagnosis.

How to Treat Knee Problems

Depending on the knee problems suffered, the treatment will vary. If the lesion consists of a displacement of the kneecap, it can be placed in place by pushing it. However, it is the veterinarian who must do it. If it is a severe dislocation, surgery may be needed.

Knee problems from tears or tears in the ligaments usually involve surgery in most cases. Depending on the severity and age of the dog, rest may suffice. Since these are painful injuries, analgesics will have to be given to calm the pain and inflammation.

If there has been immobility or surgery, rehabilitation will also be necessary for the progressive recovery of muscle strength and mobility. We may also need some special bandage.

In Ortocanis we have a wide range of products aimed at the welfare of animals and their recovery from injuries or pathologies.

If your pet has an injury and you want to speed up his recovery, you may be interested in rehabilitation for dogs. Today we tell you everything you need to know about these treatments.

There is nothing worse than watching our best friend suffer. An injured dog is more inactive than usual. You can see the pain in the movements, how he wants to run and jump as always and the sadness that produces him not being able to do it. In those moments, you would do anything to help him get back to being healthy. Have you considered rehabilitation for dogs?

Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre la rehabilitación para perros

What is rehabilitation for dogs?

As with humans, rehabilitation for dogs consists of a series of exercises and treatments coordinated with a professional physiotherapist. These treatments are designed to relieve the pain of the injury, accelerate recovery and give guidelines and exercises to strengthen the affected part to recover normality. There are several types of rehabilitation therapy for dogs. Some are heat therapies, massages, exercises with pilates equipment, with circuits … Are you surprised? Rehabilitation treatments for dogs are very similar to those for humans. Because, after all, we are not so different from our four-legged friends.

What is rehabilitation for dogs?

You may be wondering, “Okay, that sounds good, I want my dog to recover as soon as possible. But does rehabilitation for dogs really work? What can a therapist offer my pet?” Well, you should know that rehabilitation for dogs has many benefits for your best friend.

  • Decreased pain. Thanks to massages and therapies such as heat, the muscles and bones of dogs are relieved and relaxed. In this way, dogs with ailments such as a herniated disc or other injuries can begin to strengthen their damaged parts again thanks to an activity that will no longer be so painful.
  • Delayed atrophy. The immobility of an injury ends up causing other associated problems, such as atrophy or weight gain. With dog rehabilitation you will keep your pet moving and fit. As soon as that injury heals, he will be ready to run again.
  • Re-education of the movement. Some physical or mental injuries seriously damage the mobility of our pets. Rehabilitation for dogs can activate damaged muscles, regain balance and improve coordination. There have even been cases of dogs with reduced mobility for, for example, neurological injuries that, with a lot of work and affection from their owner and the therapist, have been able to return to being independent and active.

As you can see, there are multiple benefits of rehabilitation for dogs. With the help of a professional therapist, you will be able to greatly improve your pet’s quality of life. Don’t let that injury stop him from leading a happy and active life. If your dog is suffering the aftermath of an injury, don’t hesitate. Contact a center specialized in rehabilitation for dogs and take care of your health from today.

Dogs, due to their physical and movement particularities, are more likely to develop certain injuries throughout their lives. Read on to be aware of the most common canine injuries.

Dogs usually and should lead an active life. Movement helps them prevent obesity, sedentary lifestyle and depression. However, their physical activity and physiological particularities make our best friends end up developing certain canine injuries over time. The best way to help them is to be aware of these canine injuries and remain vigilant so that we can identify the first signs of pain or discomfort from our pets. Read on to get all the information about canine injuries you may need.

Lesiones caninas más habituales

Most common canine injuries

Although dogs have a tendency, due to the genetics of the breed to which they belong, to suffer more canine injuries than others, there are certain parts especially prone to accuse the damage of bad falls, bruises or the wear and tear of age.

Joint injuries

The joints of dogs are especially exposed to canine injuries. A bad fall when jumping or trauma (caused by hitting an obstacle, playing with another dog or for more serious issues, such as a hit-and-run) can cause different canine injuries. Examples include bone dislocations or breaks. Special mention deserves canine hip injuries. The hips of dogs suffer especially with all these traumatisms. But, in addition, age seriously wears down the hips of dogs, which can cause very painful herniated discs . Indications of these types of injuries are mobility problems and signs of pain when moving.

Muscle injuries

These canine injuries occur especially when you go from less to greater physical activity. It is one of the so-called “spring canine lesions“. This is because dogs are usually more inactive during the winter months, due to bad weather and cold, which do not invite to maintain the same rhythm of outings and physical activity. With the arrival of good weather, many dogs happily resume their activity. However, his muscles, tendons and ligaments have gone through a time of inactivity that has resented his endurance. This can lead to soft tissue trauma, as well as cervical and neck pain. Some signs of these canine injuries are stiffness and lameness.

Nail injuries

Dogs use their nails to try to dig, scratch surfaces and play with other dogs. Given their curious and exploratory nature, many dogs, especially puppies, try to dig into hard surfaces, such as cement, and end up fracturing their nails. Especially if they have not been cut regularly and are too long. These canine lesions are very painful. If you notice that your dog is limping, bleeding or licking his paws excessively, he may be suffering from these canine injuries.

You can’t stop your dog from getting injured. What you can do is be informed of the canine injuries you may suffer and be aware of the signs of pain. If you think your dog may be suffering from one of these canine injuries, take him to the vet as soon as possible. He will be able to advise you on the ailment and start the treatment so that your best friend is healthy and happy again.

Ayudas para perros con artrosis

Herniated disc in dogs is a painful disease. Many owners want to help their pets, but they don’t know how. Is this your case? Read on and find out how to help your dog with his herniated disc.

If you have a dog with many years of life or of certain specific breeds (such as beagles or poodles), your pet may have suffered a herniated disc in dogs or is at risk of suffering from it. This disease is painful and can cause problems in mobility, paralysis in certain areas of your body, lack of control of the bladder …

Many dog owners suffer from seeing their best friends in that position, but they don’t know how to help them. In this article we want to give you some tips to make the recovery of herniated disc in dogs more bearable.

Hernia discal en perros: consejos para ayudar a tu mascota

Herniated Disc in Dogs: Tips to Help Your Dog

1. When in doubt, take your pet to the vet

Hernia in dogs can occur for several reasons. Sometimes they are degenerative herniated discs produced by age. And some dogs have a genetic tendency to contract them. But sometimes they are produced by activity. A jump or a bad fall can lead to a herniated disc in dogs. If you notice any kind of limping or pain in your dog, take him to the vet. Express your doubts and ask him to do a complete check-up on the dog. Prevention can prevent your dog from annoying and painful rehabilitation and even surgery.

2. Follow the program prescribed to your dog

Herniated discs in dogs have built-in rehabilitation that includes exercises and medication. This can be a nuisance to you as a dog owner, but remember. Your dog is a loyal friend and deserves the best. Follow the guidelines that the veterinarian prescribes you and you will see how your state of health improves. Some exercises you can do are treadmill rides, stimulation, application of heat to the affected area using an infrared lamp … The veterinarian is the expert, so you should ask him any questions about the treatment that may arise.

3. Complement the treatment with alternative methods

A word of warning: an alternative treatment is an adjunct to the therapy ordered by the veterinarian. In no case replace medication or rehabilitation exercises with an alternative therapy.

However, certain techniques have been shown to help relieve pets during their recovery from a herniated disc in dogs. Animal physiotherapy or electrotherapy can help accelerate the effects of veterinary therapy and make it less unpleasant for your dog.

4. Acquire specialized equipment

Some accessories, such as dog wheelchairs, thermal coats, special feeders or ramps to help you get on the sofa or car can make it easier to rehabilitate herniated discs in dogs.

Dogs are faithful creatures that are by our side when we need it most. Give him the same treatment. Help him when he faces the pains of the herniated disc in dogs and you will see how the joy of your pet returns to the home.

If your dog has mobility problems or injuries, have you considered acquiring a wheelchair for dogs? Below we tell you the 3 benefits of acquiring a wheelchair for dogs.

You may have ever seen dogs in wheelchairs and felt some grief. Pets look small and helpless in dog wheelchairs. Their mobility is no longer the same, they can not jump and run as before and you have to adapt the house so that the dog can move comfortably.

However, for the dog a wheelchair is not a punishment. Quite the contrary. Think of it this way: the dog wheelchair is a device that allows animals that can no longer move comfortably to overcome pain and physical impairments and live a life as full and happy as possible.

If you think your pet needs a wheelchair for dogs and you suffer at the thought of acquiring one, don’t worry anymore. Today we want to tell you the 3 benefits of wheelchairs for dogs. Improve your pet’s life today and enjoy many years of joy with it.


@happysevilla with your self-adjusting dog wheelchair

The 3 Benefits of Acquiring a Dog Wheelchair

1. Avoid pain

Imagine that your dog has an injury to one of his hind legs that makes him limp. The dog wheelchair allows you to run again and enjoy walks and socialize with other dogs without pain. Also, since you will no longer strain the injured dog’s paw, it will speed up your recovery. Before you know it, your best friend will be back in top form pulling on the leash when you take him out for a ride.

2. Regain mobility

Some dogs, especially older ones or those with a genetic tendency, suffer from herniated discs in dogs. One of the symptoms is loss of mobility and paralysis of some parts of the dog. This prevents them from leading a healthy and happy life. Wheelchairs for dogs allow them to dodge this impediment and return to enjoy all the fun of walks and socializing with other dogs. As with humans, the dog wheelchair can make your pet regain its independence and avoid the obstacles of poor mobility.

3. They are adaptable

Dog wheelchairs can adapt to different sizes, your dog’s needs and almost all terrains. Your dog will not have to give up the beach or the mountain and will be able to continue carrying the same train of life as before the injury.

The wheelchair for dogs is a complement that they do not lock in metal bundles. On the contrary. It allows them to run again and lead healthy, full lives, away from the sedentary lifestyle and unhappiness they would have without them. Do not think twice and acquire for your dog a wheelchair with which he can return to play and be happy.