Categories: Curiositiesstories

Do you already know Oscar’s Law?

Ortocanis wants Oscar’s Law!

The main mission of the Ortocanis project is to put an end to practices that consider animals as simple objects. We are happy when we find initiatives that help this same purpose, such as Oscar’s Law .

What is Oscar’s Law?

Oscar’s Law (Oscar’s law) is a famous campaign launched in Australia that urges the government to ban puppy farms in the country and has already been joined by important personalities. They are against dog breeders and promote the adoption of pets in kennels and shelters.

Who is Oscar?

Oscar is one of the dogs rescued by Debra Tanter, founder of the movement, in January 2010. It was used as a breeding machine on a puppy farm in Victoria, Australia. Oscar’s condition when he was rescued was pitiful, requiring urgent veterinary care. Among other treatments, he had to be shaved to clean his hair, cure a terrible ear infection, treat diseased gums and extract some rotten teeth.

Once washed and shaved, it was found that he was so malnourished that his skin looked like paper and his weight was well below normal.

Days later, recovered from his operations, the authorities returned Oscar to the same farm owners who had not taken care of him without penalizing them for the negligent treatment they were offering to the dogs.

On July 9, 2011, 18 months after returning him to the puppy farm, Oscar was rescued again. His recovery was gradual given the physical and psychological trauma he had suffered for 5 long years.

Oscar is safe now, but there are still thousands of “Oscars” hiding out there on puppy farms, treated like breeding machines to supply the market, and they need you to be their voice.

Spain is the country with the highest dropout rate in Europe. We hope that many initiatives like this will emerge, which in the long run could be the solution for many abandoned dogs.


Desarrollamos y distribuimos ayudas técnicas y ortopedia para perros con movilidad reducida o discapacitados. A día de hoy ya hemos ayudado a miles de perros en todo el mundo afectados por displasia de cadera, artrosis, lesiones de ligamentos cruzados, hernia discal o parálisis.

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