Dog helps its owner in a wheelchair


Señor Fu con su perro

Mr. Fu with his dog

This story focuses on China. Mr. Fu, a humble 68-year-old shoemaker, contracted polio as a child. This causes him to suffer from paralysis from the waist down, which forces him to move everywhere in a makeshift wheelchair, made of part of a cart. With her he goes to work every day. Your commute to work takes an hour, but you don’t do it alone – your dog is there every day to help you.

Perro empuja a su dueño en silla de ruedas.

Dog helps his owner with a wheelchair

Due to his illness, his arms also get tired of pushing the wheels, but his faithful dog never seems to get tired, either with his head or with his front legs he pushes and guides the chair. Here you can see how the faithful puppy manages.

The surprising thing is that Mr. Fu surely did not teach this to the dog, which he does on his own initiative. In addition to helping his mobility and accompanying him throughout the day, the animal also helps him to give warmth on his feet on winter nights.

It is ironic that this case has occurred in China, knowing recently took place in the town of Yulin, in the south of the country, a festival in which about 10,000 dogs will be consumed.

From Ortocanis we join the worldwide complaint and indignation about such an event: #stopyulin2015

Silla de ruedas para perros y gatos




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