He says goodbye to his dog by making an emotional animated short

Cristobal Soto, a young Chilean designer, will make you cry with the tribute he has paid to his dog Rayita, who died in 2012 after 21 years together. It has taken a while but before I did not know much about animation and has had to learn before he can make this emotional short.

Farewell“, this is the name of this farewell short film inspired by a lifetime, the 21 years that Cristobal Soto and Rayita shared, and also in a final moment, as Soto explained to I’m Chile: “When he was going to die, I was super weak, shivering and in pain, but still at one point he licked my hand before he died, just once. I was so sorry, that after that I came up with animation.”

silla de ruedas perros y gatos

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