Categories: Curiosities

How to take the dog in the car?

How to take the dog in the car?

Now that the holidays are approaching, it is important to remember that we cannot take our dog loose in an unauthorized vehicle. First for our own safety, and then for possible sanctions.

But what exactly does the law say?perro-rodilla-en-la-calleperro-rodilla-en-la-calle

Article 18.1 of Royal Decree 1428/2003, of November 21, which approves the General Circulation Regulations for the application and development of the articulated text of the Law on traffic, circulation of motor vehicles and road safety (BOE no. 306, of 12-23-03) and approved by Royal Legislative Decree 339/1990, of March 2 in its article 11.2, establish that “The driver of a vehicle is obliged to maintain his own freedom of movement, the field necessary vision and permanent attention to driving, which guarantee their own safety, that of the rest of the occupants of the vehicle and that of other road users. For these purposes, you must take special care to maintain the proper position and that the rest of the passengers maintain it, and the proper placement of the objects or animals transported so that there is no interference between the driver and any of them.

Likewise, in article 11.2 of Royal Decree 1428/2003 on collective transport of people, it says:

2. In vehicles intended for the public service of collective transport of people, passengers are prohibited from:

a) Distract the driver while the vehicle is moving.

b) Enter or exit the vehicle through places other than those designated, respectively, for these purposes.

c) Enter the vehicle when the warning that it is complete has been made.

d) Unnecessarily hinder passage in places intended for the transit of people.

e) Carry any animal with you, unless there is a place in the vehicle intended for its transport. Exceptions to this prohibition, always under their responsibility, are the blind accompanied by dogs, specially trained as guide dogs.

f) Carry dangerous materials or objects in conditions other than those established in the specific regulation on the matter.

g) Disregard the instructions given by the driver or person in charge of the vehicle regarding the service.”

It should be remembered that driving a vehicle without taking care of the proper positioning of the transported animal, so that they do not interfere with driving (adequate enclosures or independent from the one used by passengers, or systems such as the seat belt for dogs ), is sanctioned with 60 euros and does not entail the loss of points on the card.

Happy journey!


Desarrollamos y distribuimos ayudas técnicas y ortopedia para perros con movilidad reducida o discapacitados. A día de hoy ya hemos ayudado a miles de perros en todo el mundo afectados por displasia de cadera, artrosis, lesiones de ligamentos cruzados, hernia discal o parálisis.

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