Norwegian police create unit against animal abuse

Policia noruega2

Norway once again gives us a lesson in progress and civility. This small country with only about 5 million inhabitants and a capita income of € 73,400 (2014) proves to be one of the most advanced societies on the planet. Also with regard to respect for animals.

In Norway animal abuse is punishable by up to 3 years in prison and has just formed a special unit against animal abuse that will consist of 3 agents: a legal expert, a coordinator and an investigator. It is also interesting to know that different studies have shown that those who are able to mistreat an animal also have a tendency to mistreat people. Under this argument, the Norwegian police in defense of animal rights are also protecting the same citizens.

policia noruegaThe police unit will be tested for 3 years to see how it works. In 2014, 38 cases of animal abuse were reported to the Norwegian police. Having a unit dedicated to investigating and monitoring animal cruelty may help promote reporting and reduce abuse.

“First of all, it is important to take care of our animals, as they enjoy rights we must follow up to protect them,” says Agriculture Minister Sylvi Lsthaug.

El-60-de-la-policia-noruega-pr_54236541719_53389389549_600_396Police units have already been formed in the Netherlands and Sweden for the same purpose as the Norwegian one. In addition, animal rights organizations continue to try to spread this good practice in many other states. Let us hope that more countries will take this initiative, which we think is more than right.

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