On April 27 I approached the Fira de la Terra in the Ciutadella Park, in the heart of Barcelona.
There I had stayed with my friends from Bichosraros and kat’s Club, associations with which I collaborate and that take care of disabled dogs and cats. I had the luxury of seeing how their great work grows, and how more and more people are sympathetic to them. Each association has dozens of protégés, each with a different story, but all with a common denominator. They have found their place.
I got to know Toya and Peque up close, two charms that use self-adjusting wheelchairs. Toya is a dog with a paralyzed hind leg and the other amputated. Peque is a little boy of a year and a half, incredibly affable, who suffered an injury to his spine that left his back legs totally immobilized. Both collected from the street. Both saved from a terrible end and lucky to have the best care. We leave you some images so you can see them.
Toni Fernandez