
Cryotherapy in dogsCryotherapy in dogs

Cryotherapy in dogs

Cold is one of the most used elements for the treatment and prevention of muscle pain and joint or soft…

12 years ago
The application of therapeutic ultrasound in dogsThe application of therapeutic ultrasound in dogs

The application of therapeutic ultrasound in dogs

It is one of the most used instruments in physiotherapy. It is a device that emits acoustic waves of much…

12 years ago
Should we shelter our dogs in winter?Should we shelter our dogs in winter?

Should we shelter our dogs in winter?

Owners often ask themselves questions about whether to shelter their pets in winter, this question at the same time comes…

12 years ago
How to use TENS Antialgic Electrotherapy in dogsHow to use TENS Antialgic Electrotherapy in dogs

How to use TENS Antialgic Electrotherapy in dogs

TENS is the acronym for (Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation), which stands for transcutaneous electrical stimulation. It is the most used…

12 years ago
Physical activity in older dogsPhysical activity in older dogs

Physical activity in older dogs

Physical activity in older dogs   To begin with, we must make one aspect clear: "age is not a disease"...…

12 years ago
How to use canine splintsHow to use canine splints

How to use canine splints

How to use canine splints Canine splints are the new contribution to the treatment of lesions in the distal limbs…

12 years ago
Elbow dysplasia in dogsElbow dysplasia in dogs

Elbow dysplasia in dogs

Elbow dysplasia in dogs Elbow dysplasia is a very common degenerative disease in young dogs. The elbow of dogs is…

12 years ago
Incidence of hip dysplasia in different breeds of dogs.Incidence of hip dysplasia in different breeds of dogs.

Incidence of hip dysplasia in different breeds of dogs.

Incidence of hip dysplasia in dogs In a study by the Orthopaedic Foundation of Animals OFA, which is the one…

12 years ago
Hip dysplasia in dogs – lamenessHip dysplasia in dogs – lameness

Hip dysplasia in dogs – lameness

Do large breed dogs slouch? Are the alterations in the movement of the hindquarters in our dogs due to hip…

12 years ago
Solutions to hip dysplasia in dogs. PennHIP MethodSolutions to hip dysplasia in dogs. PennHIP Method

Solutions to hip dysplasia in dogs. PennHIP Method

Hip dysplasia is one of the most common mobility difficulties in dogs, especially large ones. At Ortocanis, we work every…

13 years ago