Tag Archive for: observatory of defense and animal justice


Unfortunately, the Internet is sometimes used to disseminate videos, images and advocacy of animal abuse. This information is known to most Internet users, but what can sometimes go unnoticed is that the fact, due to indignation, of sharing that material and making comments of rejection has very undesirable effects:

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  • Contributes to its dissemination (for better and for worse)
  • It puts the author/abuser on notice, so it is likely that they will remove the content being then impossible to trace by the authorities.
  • It motivates the abuser since, by exalting the population, he obtains the stimulus he seeks.

And then… How to act?

In the event of a case of animal abuse on the network, we basically have to gather as many evidence as possible and get it to the authorities.

To gather evidence, everything works: social media profiles, images, videos, links,… All this information must reach the security forces. For this we have several ways:

  • Send a report to the National Police Corps (telematic crimes): click here to enter.
  • Send a complaint to Seprona (Civil Guard): dg-seprona-jefatura@guardiacivil.org
  • Send the information to the Observatory of Defense and Animal Justice. They sign and manage the complaints, which allows the citizen to maintain anonymity and increases the effectiveness of the complaint, since they have lawyers to provide legal support. They themselves further investigate the case and file the complaint. You can send the information to: guardiandelared@justiciaydefensaanimal
  • Contact a protector. Some have legal services.

From Ortocanis we encourage you to denounce abuse and its apology.

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Orthocanis Team

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