They denounce a neighbor of Chipiona for dragging a donkey tied to his SUV

Pacma has formalized a complaint before the Subdelegation of the Government in Cádiz against a neighbor of Chipiona for animal abuse, since he would have dragged a donkey tied by the head to the tow ball of his SUV through the town, causing injuries to the animal.

In a statement, Pacma explained that the events took place around 12:40 p.m. on Granada Avenue in the town of Chipione, thus incurring the accused in an alleged crime of animal abuse typified in article four of the Law 11/2003, 24 November, on the Protection of Animals of the Junta de Andalucía.

As it has specified, this article expressly prohibits “mistreating or physically assaulting animals or subjecting them to any other practice that inflicts unjustified suffering or damage on them”.

In the graphic documentation with which Pacma accompanies his complaint it is observed that the animal is dragged by the car, which “would cause stress and damage to its legs”, stressing at this point that in the photographs can be seen on the ground “blood of the animal” due to “the rubbing of its hooves against the road”.

Finally, the complainants have reported that several pedestrians rebuked the alleged perpetrator of the events for the treatment of the animal, motivating him to get out of the vehicle and take the donkey walking.

Source: Europa Press


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