Thor, a Carlino breed dog with patella dislocation


Thor is a nice one-year-old Carlino. A few weeks ago he began to lift his right back leg when running and little by little his caregiver began to notice that he was less and less supporting the weight on this leg.

He went to the vet and was diagnosed with a medial patella dislocation. This means that a bone located in front of the knee joint slips out of its groove in the tibia, causing pain and functional weakness of the limb. The veterinarian informed the caregiver that the only solution was to operate.


Being a breed dog, breeders sometimes guarantee the health of the animal. Patella dislocation is usually a congenital disease so it will depend on whether they can prove that this case is genetic or not for the breeder to take care of the costs of the operation. While this procedure is being solved, your caregiver has decided to protect the knee with an Orthocanis knee protector . This protector will reduce discomfort by keeping the joint warm and delay the possible appearance of osteoarthritis in the knee, since having the optimal working temperature, Thor will exercise more muscles in the affected area. In turn, this musculature will stabilize the joint and also reduce pain.

Luxación de rotula en perros
Tor-con-rodillera Veterinary Team

Protector de rodilla canina




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