Unfortunately some dogs can suffer from vision loss and go blind. There are some breeds such as the German Shepherd, Cocker or Labrador, among others, in which this disease occurs more frequently.
Luckily, sight is the third sense for dogs, it comes after smell and hearing, so blindness does not affect them in the same way as it does us and with some facilities they can return to their previous rhythm of life.
At first you may feel disoriented and confused but we must know that blind dogs can also enjoy life Just like any other dog, we just need to adapt. Never better said “It is neither the strongest nor the most intelligent of the species that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change”
What can we do if our dog goes blind?
If our dog has been with us in the same house for years, it is only a matter of time before he can move safely around the house. Blind dogs intensify other senses such as smell, hearing and touch, so it will be time to take full advantage of them and take some measures that help them:

- Don’t move the furniture from his usual place. Thus the dog will not find obstacles where it does not expect them.
- There are some harnesses that have a ring attached , this ring has the function of protecting our dog’s head and preventing it from hurting itself with the obstacles it finds in its path.
- If it is a house with stairs, it is useful to place a carpet that indicates where they start and where they end. If you want to reinforce safety, we can place mats on the stairs to prevent falls. To teach our dog to go up and down the stairs for the first time, we can place a treat at each step to guide him and teach him the commands (such as “up”, “down”, “left” or “right” for example). As soon as you’ve mastered them, we can use them to guide you up and down the stairs.
- We can secure all the sharp edges that we find at the height of the dog. In the market we find plastic covers , such as those used to protect small children, which can be used for this.
- As a positive point, the situation will lead us to be ordered and do not leave any object in the way to prevent tripping or disorientation. Always leaving objects in the same place will make it easier for the dog to feel safe.
- Food and water bowls They should always be in the same place. If we place the bowls on a mat or a plastic tablecloth, the dog can recognize that it is near the food. For especially insecure dogs, we can also design a “carpet” path so they can guide themselves to where the food bowls are.
- If we have more than one animal at home, we can place a bell on them that will let us know that it is nearby.
- On the first rides we can follow paths that are familiar to the dog. Also keep the leash relatively short so you can’t trip over it.
- We must also get into the habit of talking to them and maintaining contact with caresses along the way and at home , as this makes them feel safe and accompanied.
- When you meet other dogs It is important to tell the other owner that our dog is blind so that he pays more attention since he now lacks the ability to read the other’s body language, which can quickly lead to misunderstandings between the animals. However, contact with other dogs is also very important for blind animals.
By taking some measures and adapting to the new situation, we can surely find a good path and continue to be happy with our friend.