Categories: Animal welfare

When is a thermal coat for dogs necessary?

For some time now, it has become more and more common to find dogs on the street with a kind of coat made of a fabric similar to that of a raincoat and of a certain thickness. It is a thermal coat . With them, the animal keeps its joints warm and does not get cold in winter. Also, if it rains and the coat can be waterproof and they won’t get wet either. In this way, the chances of the animal suffering greater joint pain or catching a cold are reduced.

Of course, as popular as these types of protectors are, it is not recommended that they be used by all dog breeds. Depending on their size, type of hair and skin, dogs retain more or less heat. Therefore, a breed that conserves body heat better will not need a protector unless the climate in which it lives is exceptionally cold, it is elderly or suffers from osteoarthritis or some other joint ailment. On the other hand, it will be needed by those who rapidly lose internal heat, breeds more typical of hot climates or who suffer from some joint ailment.

Dogs that do need a coat in winter

Short-haired dogs are much more likely to lose body heat . Also those with long but fine hair . So it’s not just Boxers , Dalmatians , Chihuahuas , or Greyhounds that need coats when it’s cold. Also the Maltese puppies or the Shi-Tzu . Otherwise, it is common for the cold to affect them, and that they even tremble, contract respiratory diseases or aggravate the ailments in the case of elderly dogs or those with osteoarthritis.

In these cases, it is advisable to put an open term on them to go outside when it is cold. Generally, there are countless models available in many sizes , in order to adapt to the size of each animal. There are even those specifically designed for certain breeds , such as greyhounds . With them they will not only reduce joint ailments but they will not be cold, they will remain dry when it rains and they will be able to enjoy winter walks to the fullest.

They are also increasingly used in dogs that play sports since keeping them warm before a physical activity will prevent injuries and improve their performance.

Breeds that do not need a thermal coat for dogs

In general, large dogs with thick fur and thick, long hair do not require additional protection from the cold. They are breeds such as the German Shepherd , the Mastiff , the Husky or the Alaskan Malamute . Among his ancestors are the wolves, and his fur still bears quite a resemblance to them. These and other breeds often have a rough coat . Even pointed and tough. It is the layer of hair that protrudes.

Beneath it is another close to the skin, made up of millions of very fine hairs that intertwine with each other. In this way they form a layer that insulates the skin . Thanks to it, the heat takes longer to escape from your body. It is also more insulated from the rains, and if the animal gets wet, the water does not penetrate its skin as easily. Therefore, it is not necessary to put a protective thermal coat on them.

In these cases, what needs to be done for dogs to maintain their body heat is to take proper care of their skin and hair . Unlike other breeds, they do not need to be washed very often. Otherwise, your protection layer may be damaged. What is necessary is to brush them with some frequency to remove dirt and loose hairs that entangle the rest.



Ortopedia canina

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