Ortocanis for free

Try out your photography skills, mix them with your imagination and send us a picture of your dog with his/her Ortocanis product!

To be eligible for receiving a refund for your purchase, send us a picture of your dog with the Ortocanis product you have purchased to the following email: media@ortocanis.com.

At the beginning of every month we will published all the pictures on Ortocanis Facebook.

The picture that gets the most number of “Likes” at the end of each month will win the contest and will be refunded of the cost of the purchased product (shipping costs are excluded).

Terms and conditions:

  • The product purchased must be an Ortocanis product that is included in the following list (no other products are included in the contest):

Knee brace (also custom made)

Hinged knee brace

Elbow pads (also custom made)

Elbow protector (also custom made)

Carpal wrap

Carpal support

Hip brace

Hock wrap

Rear support harness

Drag bag

Support sling for dogs

Rubber Dogs Boots

Adjustable Dog Wheelchair

Custom made dog wheelchair

Leg weight

Front leg splint

Rear leg splint

Carpal splint

Trasal splint

Hind leg bootie splint

  • The maximum amount eligible to be refunded will be 100,00 euros. The shipping costs are not refundable.
  • The winner has 10 days after the communication on Facebook of the victory, to claim the refund by sending an email to media@ortocanis.com...stay tuned!
  • The pictures can be creative and taken at your discretion, however the product has to be clearly visible.

  • You can send up to 3 pictures, but just one will be published.

  • The same picture can¡t be used for different contest

Ortocanis SL reserves the right to use the pictures received for commercial purposes. Ortocanis reserves the right to cancel the contest in the case of irregularities.
