Can I come and try the product in the Ortocanis shop?

We are not a shop in the traditional sense, we are an online shop and we ship our products from our offices in Badalona (Barcellona).

We have an office with very little space available to deal with clients, however if necessary you can come to buy or pick up the products directly in the office.

We do NOT carry out diagnoses or consultancies because we are not veterinary doctors.

We specialise in the products we sell and we can explain how they work even if all the information is shown directly in the web site.

You should consult a vet for diagnosis before coming to us with indication of the product you need so that we can best help you.

The time in the office to attend clients is very limited, so we suggest you to already have checked online the product you need with the sizing information.

You do not need to phone to make an appointment but we do suggest you call us to ensure the product you need is in stock.